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EU engagement with Civil Society and Roadmaps

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Funding instruments in support to Civil Society

The EU is committed to promoting and empowering civil society in Europe and across the globe. It supports a range of programmes that promote democratic values, uphold human rights, and encourage inclusive development by strengthening civil society's role in governance and social progress. These programmes cover multiple geographic and thematic areas, demonstrating the EU's comprehensive approach in its support to civil society. 

Globally, the EU funds several programmes that boost the involvement of civil society organisations (CSOs) and enhance their effectiveness. These programmes underscore the EU's commitment to promoting civil society engagement and empowerment worldwide in line with the 360 degree approach of the GG. Through financial support, expert advice and networking opportunities, these efforts bolster civil society's campaigns for positive change, human rights, and promotion of democracy and sustainable development worldwide. By fostering civil society engagement on a global scale, the EU seeks to create a more inclusive and just world.