Thematic programme for Civil Society Organisations Multiannual Indicative Programme 2021-2027
The CSO Thematic Programme’s goal is to empower CSOs to operate as independent actors of good governance and development. The programme supports these organisations through funding, expert advice, and opportunities to network and collaborate. It contributes to a supportive environment for CSOs, boosting their capabilities and promoting exchange of knowledge. By focussing on grassroots participation and community-led governance, the programme addresses local challenges while encouraging sustainable development. It also seeks to broaden democratic spaces by increasing opportunities for community involvement necessary for the 360 degree approach of the GG.
This Programme is the only thematic one under the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) that specifically supports CSOs. It allows projects to be independently carried out in EU partner countries without needing the approval of national authorities.
Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy Multi-Annual Indicative Programming 2021-2027
The Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme operates globally, outside the EU’s borders, at local, regional and international levels. The initiative provides financial assistance to support human rights activists and community initiatives that promote human rights, democracy, and legal justice. It addresses a variety of challenges, including politically sensitive issues such as electoral integrity, freedom of expression, access to legal justice and the fight against impunity, torture and the death penalty. The Programme allows for independent action, enabling projects to be implemented without needing the approval of national authorities.