Global Gateway & Civil Society
In 2021, the EU unveiled the Global Gateway Strategy, a value-driven initiative designed to bridge the vast global investment gap. To bridge the fissure in global infrastructure, soft and hard, in critical sectors such as energy, digitalisation, transport, health and education. With Global Gateway, the EU positions itself as a trusted partner to deliver infrastructure “projects that are sustainable and of a high quality and implemented with high level of transparency and standards in order to deliver lasting social and economic benefits for local communities” (Global Gateway Communication).
The Global Gateway Strategy is implemented in close cooperation with EU Member States working together as 'Team Europe' together with European financial and development institutions and the private sector. This collaborative effort aims to pool resources to create significant, positive change around the world.
The strategy is underpinned by a robust rights-based approach, putting emphasis on the principles of good governance and transparency, democratic values and high standards in order to deliver lasting social and economic benefits for local communities.
Partnering with a range of societal stakeholders is critical to delivering the Global Gateway successfully in partner countries. An inclusive approach makes the Global Gateway’s values-driven offer tangible to partner countries and to their citizens. Those most affected by potential projects – local communities, businesses and partners – must have their full say through proper public consultations and civil society involvement.
Strengthened connections with end users can also enable the EU to mitigate long-term political and financial risk and embed the Global Gateway’s impact in partner countries. By involving civil society, we ensure projects respond to the local development agenda, address local communities’ needs, deliver optimal results and uphold the core principle of doing no harm.
In October 2023, the Global Gateway Civil Society and Local Authorities Advisory Platform (GG CSOs & LAs Platform) was established to assist the European Commission to ensure that the Global Gateway as a values-based strategy contributes to sustainable investments, delivering on its goals in line with its principles.
The Advisory Platform is a space for civil society and local authorities to provide feedback on Global Gateway rollout within the different investment priorities and geographic contexts, and to exchange with the European Commission on opportunities to engage in country-level Global Gateway partnerships, The Platform complements CSO-LA consultations locally by the EU Delegations and makes sure that a fully inclusive approach is taken in the implementation of the GG strategy and related flagships.