Success stories
Our Advisers are compiling success stories from the Hub and Spokes programme from across the African, Caribbean and Pacific regions.
Please find below some recent highlights.
- EAC Secretariat - Trade Adviser helps to create a competitive services Market in East Africa
- Burundi - Supporting Burundi to boost trade and competitiveness
- Malawi - Raising Malawi's Voice in Trade Negotiations
- Lesotho - 'Pleased to be helping improve Lesotho's export capabilities
- Lesotho - Strengthening the protection of consumer rights in Lesotho
- CARICOM - Assisting compliance with WTO's Trade Facilitation Agreement
- CARICOM - Creating synergies to improve trade in the Caribbean
- CARICOM - Helping to enhance trade capacity in the Caribbean and engaging the Haiti private sector
- Guyana - Advancing Guyana's regional and multilateral trade agenda
- Jamaica - Assisting Jamaica to reap the benefits of trade
- Kiribati - Helping improve its business environment for investment
- Federated States of Micronesia - Providing Trade Assistance to Federated States of Micronesia
- Fiji - Helping Fiji to become a Pacific trading and investment hub
- Kiribati - Helping mainstream trade into Kiribati policy
- Republic of Marshall Islands - Be Marshallese, Buy Marshallese