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Ghana: Export Quality Management Systems

Strengthening the competitiveness of Ghana-based exporters” is a project designed by the Ghanaian Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Excellence (CLSCE) together with the ACP-EU TBT Programme. HCL Consultants in consortium with Quality Africa Network are overseeing the project implementation with a team of high level experts specialised in Quality Management Systems and in Export Management. More info here




  When   21st May 2015 - April 2016
  Where   Ghana 

Beneficiary: Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Excellence (CLSCE) in Ghana. 

Implemented by: HCL Consortium 

Team of Experts: Mr. Dario Caccamisi,Team Leader; Mr. Wolfgang Wiegel, QMS Expert

Project Partners: Ministry of Trade and Industries (MOTI)Ghana Export Promotion Authority (GEPA)National Board for Small-Scale Industries (NBSSI)Trade Related Assistance and Quality Enabling Programme (TRAQUE)

  What   Strengthening the competitiveness of Ghana-based exportersThe main objective is to improve the capacities of Ghana-based exporting companies to overcome barriers to trade in regional and international markets, especially in the non-traditional export sectors, and take maximum advantage of existing opportunities offered by regional economic cooperation (ECOWAS) and international trade agreements (in particular the EPA with the EU).

- Advanced and Formal Training on ISO 9001:2015 and on Export Quality Management System.A number of domestic institutions were trained such as the: Institute of Freight-Forwarders; Ghana Export Promotion Authority; National Bureau of Small-Scales Industries; Institute of Packaging of Ghana and Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

- Sensitization Seminar on ISO 9001:2015. Entities such as: TRAQUE project, Ghana Export Promotion Authority, National Bureau of Small-Scales Industries, Institute of Packaging of Ghana, Ghana Chamber of Commerce and Industry, as well as 40 SMEs participated to the seminar. They all were informed ans sensitized on the benefits from adopting the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System as a tool for strengthening their competitiveness in the expoert markets. 

- Coaching and certification support teams were built up to support different national organisations. 

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