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ACP EU TBT Programme

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There are many types of training programmes, and as a result training can take many forms and vary considerably in content, methodology and quality. Different training models were used in various ACP-EU TBT Programme projects. For example, the PMU made experts available, provided workshops, seminars, conferences, e-learning, briefings, briefing papers, discussion forums, etc. In fact, almost all of the PMU’s projects had a training component. Almost all of the PMU’s projects had a training component.


There are generally three big issues that must be confronted in training programmes:

  1. Quality,
  2. Cost, and
  3. Sustainability.

Successful training depends on quality trainers who know a field well, are dynamic, speak your language, and can tailor training programmes to meet beneficiary and stakeholder needs. Unfortunately, these skills are often expensive to procure. There are however shortcuts that can produce sustainable training at a reasonable cost. For example, training of trainer programmes, frequently used by the ACP-EU TBT Programme, produce sustainable results at a reasonable cost – provided that the training of trainers programme is effective. This in turn will depend on both selection of the trainers and selection of the trainers.

Another cost effective way to provide training depends on the use of modern technology. Once designed, e-learning courses, also frequently developed by the PMU, provide an efficient and cost effective means of training beneficiaries and stakeholders.



The documents appended below were produced in conjunction with ACP-EU TBT Programme projects dealing with Training.