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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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In conclusion, an evaluation TOR which mainstreams child rights includes:

  • A visible and explicit commitment to assessing how an initiative has affected child rights realisation and child well-being.

  • A clear indication of the relative importance given to child rights relative to other cross-cutting issues and competing priorities.

  • Integration of child rights considerations within each evaluation criteria (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability) and among corresponding evaluation questions.

  • Reliance on both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods as well as primary and secondary data sources, in keeping with available resources.

  • Inclusion of children of different ages, genders and circumstances as stakeholders in the evaluation process, in keeping with their evolving capacities.

  • Appropriate resources (human and financial) allocated to support a focus on child rights and gender equality, as well as qualitative and participatory data collection.

  • Accountability for mainstreaming child rights as the responsibility of the team leader or principal consultant as part of overall quality assurance.