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European Year for Development 2015 Stakeholders

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EYD2015 Campaign Toolkit for Stakeholders

The European Year for Development team has prepared a toolkit to facilitate the participation in the campaign of as many stakeholders as possible. The official information and communication material offered in the campaign toolkit can now be downloaded from the "Get involved" section of the EYD2015 website:

The material available includes the visual identity, electornic banners and printable roll-ups, infographics and more. 

For any questions or requests concerning the toolkit, please contact for more.

In addition to the official campaign material on the EYD2015 website, the Library of this group also includes some additional resources for the partners directly involved in implementing the European Year for Development, as follows:

EYD2015 Storytelling GuidelinesStorytelling is the red thread of the EYD2015 campaign. Communication partners are invited to post their development stories on the website EuropeAid is preparing in order to inform, educate and engage with the general public about development cooperation. We hope these guidelines will help you prepare compelling, curiosity inciting material. (download here)

Leaflet on the EYD2015 Stakeholders group,  including a section on the EYD2015 stakeholders group You are welcome to distribute it to other stakeholders interested to stay up to date on the EYD2015 campaign. (download here)

Guidance for EYD2015 Social Media partners 

The European Commission is hosting a ‘Social Media takeover’ or (curation rotation) throughout the yearon the EYD2015 official EYD2015 Twitter and Facebook accounts. All time slots have been allocated to interested organisations with a view to ensure a good  balance of contributors from different sectors and geographical areas. You can, however, still join a waiting list. 

The European Commission is also using the EuropeAid Twitter and Facebook accounts to post updates on the EYD2015.  

Partners are kindly  encouraged to follow us and help promote the accounts ,as we as the EYD2015 website!

Together we can enhance the visibility of the year and of your EYD2015 activities. Here are some suggestions for collaboration:

  • Follow the EYD2015 and EuropeAid accounts and the hashtag #EYD2015 and retweet our posts. From the EuropeAid account we will also be retweeting (when possible) your posts using the hashtag #EYD2015;
  • Use the hashtag #EYD2015 in your posts
  • Mention the EYD2015 and the social media accounts in your tweets to help promote it. We suggest using this EYD2105 presentation video prepared by DG COMM and available in all languages, in your post:
  • Promote on your own social media your contributions to the EYD2015 website to help promote  it
  • You are also welcome to send us suggested posts about your key EYD2015 events and activities and targeting the general public at the following email address We will try to promote them to the extent possible, with the hashtag #EYD2015.

Guidance for EYD2015 Website partners 

The EYD2015 website is the core building block of the online strategy for EYD2015 and a key feature of the campaign.  Each partner is granted the rights to publish content directly, in any of the 23 EU languages, on this interactive platform. The editorial responsibility relies with each organisation that signs up as a contributor to the website. Each contributor has to agree with the Terms and Conditions of the site in order to be granted publishing rights.

To sign up as contributors to the EYD2015 website,  interested organisations approved by an EU institution, a national coordinator or CONCORD are invited to send to the EYD2015 website helpdesk ( the following:

×         a signed Declaration of agreement to the Terms and Conditions of the site

×         contact details of each individual contributor and the way the name of the organisation should appear on the website. Simply fill in the provided List of contributors table.

Fill in the declaration, scan it and return it and the EYD2015 team will contact you shortly after to provide you with your login and password and with further guidance on how to get started. 

All documents for partners interested in collaborating on the EYD2015 website can be downloaded here.