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European Year for Development 2015 Stakeholders

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FAQs/EU institutions and delegations and agencies of the EU

How can we contribute?

What kind of non-financial support can we expect to receive?

How can we contribute?

It is important that we involve as many stakeholders as possible to help increase the visibility and support of the EYD2015 to the largest extent possible. Policy Coherence on Development is a major principle of EU development cooperation which needs to be reflected in our communication efforts during the EYD2015.  You have policies that contribute in some shape or form to promoting development. Your help is key to making EYD2015 an EU inter-institutional and corporate priority. You can contribute by:

    • Preparing events to promote the EYD as well as linking existing 2015 events with the Year.
    • Identifying and designing collective EYD2015 citizens' information/actions needs ready for implementation based on EYD2015 Decision
    • Sharing a contacts database/stakeholder pooling
    • Holding technical group meetings and other activities
    • Sharing key moments, advice and experiences from past mobilisation efforts with other stakeholders, both internal and external.
    • Use the hashtag #EYD2015 on social media (now and throughout 2015)

What kind of non-financial support can we expect to receive?

To aid engaged stakeholders in their various EYD activities, there will be a toolkit provided. This toolkit will entail tools and instruments that will help them in meeting the specific needs for their EYD activities. Tools will include an EYD2015 visual identity and guidelines, promotional material such as an EYD calendar, factsheets, key political messages and a press kit along with interactive online communication via an EYD website and social media account and guidelines, etc.