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European Year for Development 2015 Stakeholders

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Who is involved in the EYD2015 and how will this work in practice?

The overall approach on the one hand consists in labelling existing activities ‘EYD2015’ to the largest extend possible and to guarantee a set of flagship EYD2015 events at the EU level, and on the other hand ensuring that this year is not driven solely by Brussels and that many EYD2015 activities and campaigns go beyond the EU with ownership of activities from diverse stakeholders and new platforms.

Only a decentralised approach as close and as broad as possible with the engagement and actions of all will reach these EU citizens and match the EYD2015 ambitions and huge geographical reach. Therefore stakeholders for the EYD must include NGOs, CSOs, Member States, EU Institutions and Delegations, international organisations, the private sector, trade unions, universities and schools, local and regional authorities, and foundations.