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Public Group on Fragility and Crisis Situations

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Agenda for Change

The Agenda for Change aims to adapt the way that the EU delivers aid in a fast-changing environment: it re-prioritises aid delivery to ensure maximum impact on poverty reduction. The document states two priorities on which the EU should concentrate its development cooperation: (i) human rights, democracy and other key elements of good governance; and (ii) inclusive and sustainable growth for human development. The EU must seek to target its resources where they are needed most to address poverty reduction and where they could have the greatest impact. In all regions, in should allocate more funds than in the past to countries most in need, including fragile states. A short video presents the Agenda for Change.

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European Commission (EC), Increasing the impact of EU Development Policy: An Agenda for Change, Communication, COM(2011) 637 final, 2011.

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Increasing the impact of EU development policy

- an Agenda for Change -