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Photo: UNMISS / Eric Kanalstein (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Public Group on Fragility and Crisis Situations

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Seminar “EU Aid Delivery in Fragile and Crisis Contexts”

Background information

This seminar takes place annually and is part of DEVCO 07 training package aimed at increasing EU staff knowledge and skills for better addressing conflict and fragility. This year’s edition was open to 30 development practitioners from DEVCO, out of which 20 came from EU Delegations based in fragile states (Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, Mali, Ethiopia, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Libya). The training builds on three main learning objectives:

  1. how to approach and how to analyse contexts in fragility;
  2. how to plan, finance, implement interventions in fragile contexts;
  3. how to use the right aid modalities in fragile contexts.

It was organised in back-to-back with a two-day seminar on 10th and 11th of July 2014 on "Resilience in practice" which was open to both ECHO and DEVCO staff.

Training Objectives

The general objective of the seminar was to provide EU staff involved in development assistance in fragile / crisis situations with a greater understanding of current issues and policies revolving around fragility and crises in EU and international development agenda, and to exchange country experience.

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A particular emphasis was put on designing programmes and projects for fragile and crisis situations.


Review and exchanges on:

  1. critical issues faced in implementing aid in fragile / crisis situations;
  2. new EU approaches (New Deal, Comprehensive approach, Resilience);
  3. EU aid modalities (EU trust fund, state building contracts, projects);
  4. Flexible procedures and flexible programming in fragile and conflict-affected countries. 

Further information and materials can be found on the event page: Seminar “Delivering EU Development Assistance in Fragile / Crisis Situations” *
* restricted to autheticated European Commission and European External Action Service staff