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Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries

Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries

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Communication Activities

One of the main Air-Q-Gov project’s objectives is to raise awareness at national, regional and sub-regional levels through cooperation among decision makers, inudstry and civil society. Effective communciation is critical to the successful implementation of the project, in order to ensure that the project results are disseminated to the widest possible audience.

Seeking to ensure the most effective contribution of communication activities to the overall success of the project, a Communication and VisibilityStrategy was prepared at an early start of the project. The Strategy oversees the wider propagation of the project achievements and disseminates them through a variety of social and mass media outreach.

Air Quality Governance Colouring Book
Air Quality Governance Colouring Book

A mix of tools were chosen to implement the Air-Q-Gov Communication and Visibility Strategy in order to reach the widest range of target groups. Therefore, a variety of actions have been planned in the detailed Communication Action Plan and implemented through the National Communication Action Plans adjusted to each participating Partner Country.

With a purpose to enhance project’s sustainability web-based tools have been chosen including development and regular update of the project’s website. In this portal an information and knowledge exchange platform – Air-Q-Gov Forum – was established to enable all those who care about air quality problems to meet and discuss the most pressing issues realted to air quality management and inudstiral and transport pollution.

A regular website newsletter has been developed with seven editions published during the project life cycle. This has been supplemented with regular website articles on specific air quality subjects and update on project activities.

Participation in relevant major events, i.e. the Environment Day, international environmental forums, etc. was another important communication action used to disseminate project outputs and benefits in the Partner Countries. For that purpose an information pack including different visibility material and presentation on project activities and results has been produced.

Communication activities of the project have been also expanded to include the production of informative video film on air pollution problems and recent developments in the ENPI East countries for the majority of the project target groups. Meanwhile, a coloring book for children illustrating basic air quality problems produced by the project contributes to raising awareness among the youngest audience of the Partner Countries.


Одна из основней целей проекта Управление качеством воздуха является повышение осведомленности на национальном, региональном и субрегиональном уровнях на основе сотрудничества между лицами, принимающими решения, промышленности и гражданского общества. Эффективное средствам связи имеет решающее значение для успешной реализации проекта, для того, чтобы гарантировать, что результаты проекта распространяются среди самой широкой аудитории.

В целях обеспечения наиболее эффективного вклада коммуникационной деятельности в общий успех проекта, стратегия связи и видимости была подготовлена в скорейшем начале проекта. Стратегия курирует широкий распространение достижений проекта и распространяет их через разнообразные социальные и СМИ пропаганды.

Сочетание инструментов были выбраны для реализации Стратегия связи и видимость стратегии для того, чтобы достичь широкого круга целевых групп.