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Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries

Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries

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Table of contents

Component 1 - Common Activities

Component 1 - Common Activities

The first Component reflects the overall objective of the Air Quality Governance project, i.e. improving convergance to the European legislation and improving the implementation of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (especially UN Convention on Long-range Transboudary Air Pollution and related protocols) as well as raising environmental awareness through cooperation at nationa, regional and sub-regional levels among decision makers, industry and civil society.

For that purpose initial activities of the project focused gap analysis of existing relevant policy, legislation, institutions and capacity in the Partner Countries. Performed gap analysis identified both generic and specific deficiencies/requirements for each country. Based on this analysis a variety of capacity building activities were planned and implemented. First of all, these included assistance in drafting specific legal documents (for example, draft law on ozone protection for Ukraine, draft legal acts on emission limit values (ELV’s) for specific inudstrial sectors in Belarus and Armenia, revisions to the Law on Environmental Impact Assessment in Azerbaijan). This gap analysis enabled the project to build and implement a tailored training programme focused on both legislative and operational aspects. Partner countries were provided with a selection of targeted trainings and study toursto improve their ability to manage data exchange activities related to air pollution and - using data exchange tools – air quality monitoring data, emission inventories, modelling. In addition to training activities, the project has closely examined various economic tools and the use of financial instruments that can contribute to the improvement of environmental behaviour and air quality, especially at the municipal level.

2nd Study Tour- 9-13 June 2014
2nd Study Tour- 9-13 June 2014

To stimulate cooperation at the national, regional and sub-regional level, a web-based Forum was established in 2013 under the Air-Q-Gov project’s website. Various information outreach activities, i.e. participation in Environment Day events, project newsletters, web articles, a coloring book for children about air pollution and a video on the promotion of air quality issues have contributed to raising of environmental awareness and project visibility in the Partner Countries.

The main activities under Component 1 were:

- Gap analysis of existing relevant policy, legislation, instutions and capacity, and assistance to drafting policy papers and regulations (1.1)

- Provide support to engage in data exchange activities (1.2) Provide support to engage in data exchange activities (1.2)

-  Provide training on air management planning (1.3)

- Provide tools for policy makers for offering incentives to improve environmental behaviour (1.4)

- Improvement of Air Quality Modeling Tools (1.5)

- Development of a mechanism for accounting for local conditions and technological capacity in the course of setting emission limit values (1.6)

- Training on EMEP/CORINAIR Atmospheric Emission Inventory Guidebook (1.7)

- Preparation of pilot projects to be implemented at local level (1.8)

- Study Tours (1.9) --

Study Tours Overview
Study Tours Overview


Задача 1.1: Анализ пробелов существующей актуальной политики, законодательства, организаций и потенциала, а также содействие в разработке стратегических документов и нормативных актов

Задача 1.2: Оказание содействия в привлечении к деятельности по обмену данными

Задача 1.3: Проведение обучения вопросам планирования управления  атмосферного воздуха

Задача 1.4: Предоставление инструментов для разработчиков политики с целью предложения стимулов для улучшения экологического поведения

Задача 1.5: Усовершенствование механизмов мониторинга качества атмосферного воздуха

Задача 1.6  Разработка механизма учёта местных условий и технологического потенциала при определении нормативов предельно допустимых выбросов и других показателей загрязнения для малых и средних загрязнителей

Задача 1.7  Обучение вопросам Руководства по инвентаризации выбросов в атмосферный воздух EMEP/CORINAIR

Задача 1.8  Подготовка пилотных проектов для внедрения на местном уровне

Задача 1.9  Обучающие учебные поездки

The Reports produced under Component 1- Common Activities were:

Task 1.1 Component 1 Final Report: General System Gap Analysis   EN

Task 1.1 Component 1 Final Report: Общий Анализ Недостатков Систем ы RU

Task 1.1 Component 1 General System Analysis EN

Task 1.1 Component 1 General System Analysis: Общий анализ системы RU

Task 1.1 Component 1 General Gap Analysis and impact assessment EN

Task 1.2 Component 1 Guidelines for designing of National Ambient Air Monitoring Network in compliance with EU requirements EN

Task 1.2 Component 1 Инвентаризация выбросов и мониторинг RU

Task 1.3 Component 1 Training Needs Assessment EN

Таsk 1.4 Component 1 Tools for policy makers for offering incentives to improve environmental behavior EN

Таsk 1.6 Component 1 Analysis and needs assessment Final RU

Task 1.6.2 Component 1 Review of practice of conditions setting in EU for non-annex I installations EN

Task 1.6.3 Component 1 Identification of non-annex I installations EN

Task 1.6.4 Component 1 ELV recommendations for selected activities EN

Task 1.6.5 Component 1 Recommendations for ELVs and other conditions setting for selected installations EN

Task 1.6.6 Component 1 Capacity building programme for decision makers EN