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Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries

Air Quality Governance in the ENPI East Countries

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Table of contents

Component 2 - IPPC

Component 2 - Activities addressing the industrial sector (including energy)

The second Component of the Air-Q-Gov project is specifically aimed at supporting implementation of EU based regulation of inudstrial activities in the region and finally preventing a significant waste of resources and poor environmental performance with subsequent damage to public health and the environment as a whole.

Due to significant differences from commonly recognised EU practices, reforms in the Partner Countries require the adoption of new strategies and a coprehensive set of instruments based first of all on the integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) approach in the industrial sector. Activities of the second Component provided the Partner Countries with the support towards implementation of an integrated approach to permitting, as well as the implementation of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and best practices for selected industrial sectors. Several recommendations on environmental permitting have been developed to provide tools for the Partner Countries to strengthen – if not to create – the whole system, enabling them to launch and apply an integrated permitting approach. Special attention was given to the development of simplified regulations affecting the majority of small business and the development of sectoral general binding rules. Developed documents and recommendations were then reviewed and discussed during a cycle of five seminars organised for officials and experts with line responsibilities for environmental issues dealing with industrial pollution, policy development and harmonisation with the Environmental Aquis in the Partner Countries.

As part of this activity draft legal act that sets a unified procedure for obtaining industrial permits was prepared in Ukraine. Also the project contributes to collecting and translating databased of European BAT reference documents and sectorial regulations into Russian language.

The main activities under Component 2 were:

- Support towards the implementation of integrated permitting (2.1)

- Support towards the implementation of Best Available Techniques and best practices (2.2)Provide support to engage in data exchange activities (1.2)



Задача 2.1Поддержка внедрения системы комплексных разрешений

Задача 2.2Поддержка внедрения НДТМ и передового практического опыта

The Reports produced under Component 2 – IPPC were:

Task 2.1.1 a Component 2 Методология определения основных производств-загрязнителей и производства RU

Task + Component 2 Подготовка перечней видов экономической деятельности RU

Task Component 2 Основные действующие производства-загрязнители RU

Task Component 2 Recommendations for development of National BAT Guidance Framework EN

Task Component 2 Recommendations for development of National BAT Guidance Framework RU

Task Component 2 Guidance for Integrated Permitting EN

Task Component 2 Guidance for Integrated Inspection EN

Task Component 2 Концептуальные основы реформирования действующей системы природоохранных разрешений RU

Task + Component 2 Поддержка внедрения системы комплексных разрешений – анализ закон. и рег. базы RU

Task Component 2 Recommendations for Law on Environmental permitting EN

Task + Component 2 Implementing legislation recommendations for integrated permitting, registration procedure and GBR permitting system EN

 Task 2.1.3 Component 2 Institutional requirements at the implementation of environmental permitting reform EN

 Task 2.1.4 Component 2 Комплексные природоохранные разрешения: принципы и процедуры RU

Task 2.1.5 Component 2 Support towards the implementation of integrated permitting: Management Requirements EN

Task + Component 2 Поддержка внедрения системы комплексных разрешений – анализ законодательной и регуляторной базы RU

Task Component 2 Recommendations for organisation and operation of the BAT/cleaner technologies centres EN

Task Component 2 Разработка и поддержка базы данных по проектам технической помощи, связанным с КПКЗ/НДТМ RU