Food Fortification Advisory Service (2FAS)
2FAS is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented through a partnership between Landell Mills and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). 2FAS supports the European Commission (EC) and its public and private sector stakeholders to achieve sustainable food fortification programmes that are integrated into national food systems.
Food fortification aligns with both SDG 2 and the World Health Assembly’s Global Targets on Maternal and Child Nutrition. Therefore, the EC supports the scale up of food fortification programmes, and established 2FAS to reinforce this effort.
2FAS objectives
2FAS aims to contribute to the eradication of micronutrient deficiencies among vulnerable populations by strengthening national, institutional and technical food fortification capacities.
Objective 1: Increase action and political commitment to food fortification at global and national levels.
2FAS promotes the EC’s commitment to nutrition through participation at global events; at national level, 2FAS experts works with EU Delegations and other stakeholders to advocate for food fortification within national country strategic plans.
Objective 2: Support countries to implement and strengthen food fortification programmes.
2FAS engages key national-level actors in a participatory multi-stakeholder process to jointly assess the current situation on food fortification. Country profiles are prepared, which analyse key gaps and bottlenecks to identify the most relevant entry points for EU support. 2FAS also provides technical assistance to build local capacity, and supports programme assessments by helping countries to improve the monitoring frameworks and log frames of food fortification interventions. Additionally, 2FAS undertakes an annual review of EU-funded fortification projects.
Objective 3: Share knowledge, lessons learned and best practices on the role of food fortification in reducing micronutrient deficiencies.
2FAS is supporting a research component, in partnership with selected institutes from the Agrinatura network. This will contribute to the planning and implementation of equitable, effective, integrated and sustainable food fortification programmes as a component of healthy and diversified food systems.
The project has developed the following materials:
- Food fortification quick guide
Implementing organisations
Landell Mills and the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)