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Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D)

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4. The Project Management Unit (PMU)

Agrinatura has established a Brussels-based VCA4D Project Management Unit (PMU).

The PMU is responsible for: 

  • facilitating the relations between DG INTPA and the experts on behalf of Agrinatura
  • the day by day organisation and running of all activities
  • contact point and support to the experts during their studies and missions
  • quality backstopping

It is composed of:

Olimpia Orlandoni, VCA4D Project Director

Frédéric Lançon, VCA4D Scientific Director        

Sara Baumgart, VCA4D Communication and Administrative Officer

Heval Yildirim, VCA4D Research Officer

Giorgia Mei, VCA4D Project Officer 

Laura Felisatti VCA4D Training Officer 

Contact us for any question related to VCA4D and Agrinatura! We are looking forward to hearing from you!