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Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D)

Last Updated: 05 February 2025
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4. Agrinatura

AGRINATURA is the European Alliance on Agricultural Knowledge for Development. It represents the major research and education stakeholders in Europe dealing with agricultural research and higher education for development, grouping together around 30 Universities and Research centres.

AGRINATURA brings its collective resources to work in partnership with international collaborators. It seeks to nurture scientific excellence through joint research, educational and training programmes and projects and advocates for greater support for agricultural research and educational programmes that contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the new agenda of Sustainable Development Goals.

Through VCA4D, AGRINATURA builds multidisciplinary teams coming from different centres, creating a truly European community of practise on VCA4D activities. Moreover, thanks to the extensive experiences of researchers and their Universities in developing countries, the project is an excellent opportunity to strengthen links and enhance impacts between research and policy makers.

To know more about AGRINATURA and its members, we invite you to visit our website: or follow us on our Facebook page: