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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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In conclusion, child rights mainstreaming in new aid modalities entails:

  • Understanding lessons learned and best practices from the integration of other cross-cutting issues, namely Gender Equality Mainstreaming.

  • A comprehensive analysis of the child rights situation in the country, in the sector, in the previous policy or budget.

  • Special assessments and studies to analyse the situation of marginalised girls and boys.

  • Adequate levels of donor expertise in child rights to support evidence-based policy dialogue in planning, monitoring and evaluation processes.

  • Alliances created with and between like-minded donors and champions within government and civil society on child rights.

  • Information systems which produce reliable and valid data which is sex and age disaggregated as well as adequate capacity to use this data for policy-making and review.

  • Attention to child rights in capacity building efforts, the development of performance assessment frameworks and the terms of reference for joint monitoring and evaluation processes.