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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and New Aid Modalities

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has also highlighted the need to mainstream child rights in the new aid modalities. The Committee has stated that:

  • It takes note of and encourages efforts underway to reduce poverty in the most heavily indebted countries through PRSPs. As the central, country-led strategy for achieving the MDGs, PRSPs must include a strong focus on children's rights.

  • Governments, donors and civil society should ensure that children are given a prominent priority in the development of PRSPs and sector-wide approaches to development (SWAps).

  • Both PRSPs and SWAPs should reflect children’s rights principles, with a holistic, child-centred approach recognising children as holders of rights and the incorporation of development goals and objectives which are relevant to children.