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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Child Rights Mainstreaming Applied to New Aid Modalities

The table below continues our examination of the implications for child rights mainstreaming in the education sector from the previous slide, using our CRBA framework from section 3.

Child Rights Mainstreaming Education Sector Plans
Building Capacity of Rights Holders and Duty Bearers Capacity building of education policy makers and planners for child rights mainstreaming would be supported in order to ensure that child rights considerations are integrated in education sector plans and budgets. The capacity of child-focused civil society organizations would also be strengthened to undertake education policy analysis, to participate in policy dialogue with government and to hold education decision-makers to account for child rights fulfilment.
Child Participation Policy dialogue and sensitization efforts would be needed to shift mindsets so that children are viewed as important stakeholders in education planning rather than passive beneficiaries. A child participation strategy could be developed and promoted by like-minded donors and champions within government to ensure that the voice of children and their parents/care-givers is heard and can influence education sector planning and budgeting. This might entail mobilizing child-focused civil society organizations for policy dialogue, organizing community consultations across the country with participation by children, undertaking action-research with children, etc.