La exposición nos invita a observar el planeta Tierra a través de los ojos de los satélites centinelas de Copernicus. Espectaculares imágenes de varios lugares alrededor de Europa y de Panamá capturan la belleza y la fragilidad de...
DG INTPA, together with MKS, has produced an Infosheet on the topic of Copernicus and Earth Observation, as part of the INTPA digital learning toolkit (covering several digital-related topics). This is the latest version of the...
Photo album of the second conference.
ESS cycle of conferences 12 march 2019: Slides 3 - Copernicus: full, free and open EO data and information
ESS cycle of conferences: Slides 2 - DEval - Improving international development evaluation through geospatial data analysis - Lessons learned from DEval‘s enhanced land-use planning evaluation
ESS Cycle of conferences 12 March 2019: Slides 1 - GEF - Improving international development evaluation through geospatial data and analysis (Dr. Geeta Batra and Dr. Anupam Anand)
Presentation slides for the first conference: IFAD-CRRC presentation - Combining satellite imagery with traditional evaluation techniques - The evaluation of IFAD’s Agricultural Support Project in Georgia
COOPI/Malawi-Madgascar-Comoros-Mozambique/ 2011. «Offrir un appui en matière de systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) pour les programmes de Réduction du Risque de Catastrophe mis en oeuvre par les partenaires DIPECHO dans la...
COOPI/Malawi-Madgascar-Comoros-Mozambique/ 2011. «Offrir un appui en matière de systèmes d’information géographique (SIG) pour les programmes de Réduction du Risque de Catastrophe mis en oeuvre par les partenaires DIPECHO dans la...
COOPI/MALAWI/2018 Half of Malawi was hit by the worst floods on record in 2015. Over one million people were affected. Almost 300 people were killed or went missing and more than 370,000 were displaced. Floods are a constant...