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Clima East Policy Project

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Expert Facility

The Clima East Expert Facility (CEEF) remains open for applications for support from eligible organisations involved with climate actions, targeting both mitigation and adaptation in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. CEEF encourages organisations who have not yet applied to come forward with their applications to benefit from the support of one or several international expert(s) for the development or the implementation of your climate change adaptation or mitigation policies.

Through this Expert Facility, eligible applicants from Partner Countries are able to request specific and dedicated short term expert support of up to 50 expert man-days per application to assist in defined tasks that will contribute to achieving results on the ground in climate change policy and action.

Applications to the Expert Facility must correspond to one or more of Clima East’s targeted result areas and should be able to demonstrate direct relevance to Climate Policy and its implementation. Guidance on eligibility for support and on the application and approval process is set out in the Expert Facility Application Guide downloadable below, alongside the CEEF leaflet in national languages. 

Applications may be submitted through two distinct ‘Tracks’, as follows:

  • Track 1 is open to individual eligible organisations.
  • Under Track 2 the Expert Facility seeks collaborative applications from two or more beneficiary organisations. This track is aimed at enabling sectoral ministries, other national or local administrative bodies, and in particular civil society organisations, to contribute successfully to the definition, development and delivery of national climate policy and actions.

Regional applications involving more than one country are also welcome.

The Expert Facility will remain open only as long as funds are available. Therefore, we encourage all interested parties to come forward with their applications as early as possible to ensure time for effective implementation within the life of the programme.

Any question? Have a look at the FAQs

What support is Clima East already providing under the Expert Facility? Have a look at the assignments that are currently under implementation.

Downloadable Leaflets about to Clima East Expert Facility:


English Language Application Guide and Form:

Russian Language Application Guide and Form: