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Clima East Policy Project

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Project Team and Resources & Management consortium

Project team and resources

The Clima East Policy Project is implemented by a core team of four Key Experts:

  • Key Expert on Climate Change and Team Leader – Mr Zsolt Lengyel
  • Key Expert on UNFCCC & Emission Trading  – Dr. Marzena Chodor
  • Key Expert and Regional Coordinator for Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine – Dr. Mikhail Kozeltsev
  • Key Expert and Regional Coordinator for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia – Ms Medea Inashvili

Zsolt Lengyel and Marzena Chodor have their base of operations in the Main Project Office in Brussels, Belgium, but also work extensively in the Partner Countries, to support exchange of information and expertise between the EU and the Partner Countries. The Brussels Office operates the Help Desk to facilitate answers for brief queries from Partner Country Stakeholders.

Mikhail Kozeltsev, based at the Project’s Moscow satellite office, works closely with stakeholders in Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine to coordinate the Project’s activities there and Medea Inashvili, based at the Project’s Georgian satellite office, works closely with stakeholders in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.

Other expertise will be made available through the Project where required for specific regional activities and in response to Expert Facility requests for support in specific tasks at national level.

Management consortium

The Policy Project is managed on behalf of the European Commission Directorate General for Development Aid and Cooperation (DG DEVCO) by a consortium of five partners, led by HTSPE Ltd. Each of the Consortium Members brings specific expertise to support the aims of the Project.