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Clima East Policy Project

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The Convention urges developed country Parties and Annex II Parties to promote, facilitate and finance the transfer of environmentally sound technologies and know-how to other Parties, particularly to developing countries, to enable them to implement the provisions of the Convention.

To facilitate technology transfer, parties to the UNFCCC established at the COP.16 in 2010 the Technology Mechanism consisting of two complementary bodies: the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN). Together, these two bodies support the efforts of developing countries to address technology development and transfer policy and its implementation. The TEC works closely with the UNFCCC, tis subsidiary bodies and other stakeholders to provide policy recommendations and support action on climate technology transfer and development. 
The CTCN, hosted by the UNIDO, is the operational arm of the Technology Mechanism. It facilitates a network of national, regional, sectoral and international technology centres, networks, organizations and private sector entities. It provides free technical assistance and provides information on climate technologies to developing countries.

More information can be found on the dedicated UNFCCC webpage