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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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In conclusion, child rights mainstreaming in the Identification Phase focuses on the following issues:

  • Assessing the possible effects (positive/negative, direct/indirect, intended/unintended) of a policy, project or programme change on children analysed by gender, age

  • Targeting the most marginalised girls and boys for consultation, to better understand the development problem, and as key stakeholders in the proposed programme solution,

  • Identifying the primary duty bearers responsible for implementing the proposed initiative and assessing their capacity to promote child rights and well-being,

  • Developing strategies to mitigate risks and possible negative effects the proposed initiative may have on specific groups of children,

  • Making linkages with other programmes or services to help off-set any negative effects on children,

  • Developing a programme solution which fills gaps in service provision for marginalised children while building the capacity of duty bearers and rights holders to promote child rights and well-being.