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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Consultations with Key Target Groups

This phase deals primarily with analysing the immediate, underlying and root causes of any possible negative effects on children. Using the same transport sector investment example referred to previously, does the proposed initiative:

  • Include consultations with children and their care givers on the development problem and proposed development solution?

To what extent have girls and boys, their care givers and households, been consulted on their transport needs, obstacles to transport access and resulting effects on their time, revenues, resource allocation patterns and protection of children? The Ministry of transport could be supported to conduct surveys and public consultations with women and children on transport needs and obstacles to transport use, in order to devise appropriate cost structures, relevant transport routes and itineraries, as well as improved security measures.

  • Identify which children need to be given priority attention as a target group?

The capacity of the Transport Ministry could be strengthened to undertake policy analysis using an age/gender equality lens. Based on such an analysis, girl children (ages 11-16 years) from the poorest, rural regions of the country are identified as a key target group of the programme as they appear to be the most marginalized in terms of rights fulfilment and among those who may be the most adversely affected by an increase in transport user fees.
