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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Causes and Capacity Gaps

  • Address both the immediate and root causes of any negative effects for these children and their families?

The negative effects of this investment relate to reduced access to education and health services for girls (ages 11-16) if transport fees are increased. Immediate causes relate to gaps in child care provision and reallocation of family resources in reaction to transport fee increases, which result in older girls staying at home. Underlying causes relate to lack of political commitment, institutional capacity and resources to prioritise rural infrastructure and local economic development for vulnerable populations in remote regions. Root causes relate to social and cultural attitudes which devalue the education of girls and put girls at increased risk of abuse and exploitation.

  • Articulate what capacity gaps should be addressed so that duty bearers can meet their obligations to fulfil child rights?

Based on the stakeholder analysis above, the Ministry of Transport requires capacity strengthening to analyse policy through a gender and child rights lens; to balance transport sector goals of economic growth with poverty alleviation; to develop strategies for non-motorised transport for girls and women; and to enforce minimum safety standards and codes of conduct for private transport operators.
