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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Articulating Expected Results for Children

At this stage, the focus is on taking the preceding impact, stakeholder, problem analyses and lessons learned, and using this information to develop the most effective strategy, in order to maximise positive benefits on targeted children while mitigating any possible negative effects.

Does the proposed policy or programming initiative:

  • articulate expected results or benefits for specific groups of children?

If preceding analyses have identified potential effects of the proposed initiative on children, children should be identified as a specific target group, and expected effects on these children should be reflected in the overall objective (in terms of child rights realisation), and in the results chain of outcomes (in terms of improved capacity to meet duties and make claims) and outputs (in terms of filled gaps in service provision, enhanced understanding and knowledge, legislative and policy reforms, etc).

In the case of the transport sector example, the target group is girls ages 11-16 from remote, rural regions who will reduce their domestic workload, while improving school enrolment and attendance.
