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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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Mainstreaming Child Rights in the Identification Phase: Key questions

During the Identification Phase, child rights mainstreaming needs to be addressed in the following key assessment processes (key questions are developed during the next slides):

Click on the assessments to identify the key questions.

Ex ante Impact Analysis - Does the proposed policy or programming initiative:

  • assess changes in the livelihoods and revenues of poor households?

  • assess changes in access to and quality of social services used by children?

  • assess changes in the social capital of poor households for child protection?

  • identify which child rights are likely to be affected by the policy/programme?

Stakeholder analysis - Does the proposed policy or programming initiative:

  • identify children as a specific stakeholder group? If no, why not?

  • include data on stakeholders disaggregated by age, gender, socio-economics?

  • identify the children likely to be most affected (positively, negatively) by the proposed initiative and describe how their rights will be affected?

  • identify the duty bearers directly responsible for implementing this initiative and assess their institutional capacity (commitment, knowledge, resources, authority) to respect, promote, fulfil the rights and well-being of children?

Problem Analysis - Does the proposed policy or programming initiative:

  • include consultations with children and their care givers on the development problem?

  • identify which children need to be given priority attention as a target group?

  • address the immediate, underlying and root causes of any rights violations for these children as a result of the proposed programme?

  • articulate what capacity gaps need to be addressed so that duty bearers can meet their obligations to fulfil child rights?

  • articulate how children can participate in problem analysis and how the initiative will empower them as right holders?

Lessons learned & linkages - Does the proposed policy or programming initiative:

  • build on lessons learned from other, similar initiatives?

  • develop linkages with other programs which could mitigate negative effects for children?

Preliminary objectives & strategy analysis - Does the proposed policy or programming initiative:

  • articulate expected results or benefits for specific groups of children?

  • include strategies to mitigate any possible negative effects for specific groups of children?

  • clarify capacity building strategies for primary duty bearers for the promotion of child rights and well-being
