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2.1.4. Identification of relevant policy frameworks and development of appropriate actions

Indicators: Policy frameworks pertinent to enhancing the livelihoods of those dependent on the informal economy, with special attention to social inclusion identified in selected project countries.

Data Analysis Methods: Identification of pertinent policy frameworks on IE. Identification of positive and/or negative impact and related reasons.


1. Carry out analytical assessments of the enabling environment to link enterprise development to a broader discussion of decent work and employment at the national policy level. Ensure that these assessments cover the decent work challenges linked to enterprises.

ReferenceHenry, Carla; Dearden, Philip N., 2013, Independent evaluation of the ILO’s strategy to promote sustainable enterprises and decent work, Meta-analysis of evaluations


2. Study past and current public policies in diverse areas which impact on employment creation including for people dependent on the informal economy.  Include analysis in the areas of fiscal, enterprise development, education, social protection, reasons for unemployment, poverty reduction areas.

Reference2010, Youth Employment Partnership in Serbia (YEPS), Final evaluation


3. Promote identification of opportunities for longer term and more systematic change as opposed to high focus on shorter term and pragmatic approaches to enterprise development.  Ensure that focus on offering overly simplified solutions to complex problems is avoided.

ReferenceHenry, Carla; Dearden, Philip N., 2013, Independent evaluation of the ILO’s strategy to promote sustainable enterprises and decent work, Meta-analysis of evaluations


4. Note that drawing upon developed countries’ existing models as an inspiration for new labour market policies in developing countries is not optimal. Rather, follow a precise strategy to:

  • Make existing models clear to stakeholders but explain that it is usually not relevant to copy them.
  • Request participating countries to reflect on their challenges and explain how their own systems and models work
  • Determine if any of the developed country models have relevant components that might be relevant to transfer or adapt.
  • Design a programme of new concepts, changes or adjustments
  • Pilot the changes, evaluate and, where relevant, scale up and replicate.

ReferenceThe Role of Labour Market Policies in Poverty Alleviation” 2009-2015, Final evaluation, SIDA


5. Design programmes, policies in such a way that integrated components are coherent with sufficient focus on prioritisation of key areas of importance. Analyse and determine how to deal with the inter-dependencies between components when designing and determining priorities.

Reference: Mauer, Ralf, 2013, Decent work results and effectiveness of ILO technical cooperation: a meta-analysis of project evaluation


6. Be aware that the existence of an employment strategy is a necessary, but not sufficient condition to bring focus and coherence to labour market policies and programmes. Ensure that contextual impediments are addressed and opportunities are integrated into actions.

Reference2010, Youth Employment Partnership in Serbia (YEPS), Final evaluation


7. Note that there has not yet been any definitive conclusion on whether special targeting of vulnerable groups for employment promotion is more effective than a generic employment policy.

Reference: Decent work results of ILO employment promotion interventions: lessons learned from evaluations, 2003-2013, Meta-analysis of evaluations


8. Facilitate development of a supportive policy and institutional environment for women’s self-help group linkages with micro-finance and other agencies. Empower women’s groups to demand quality service delivery.

Reference: Ten Million Women and Counting: An Assessment of World Bank Support for Rural Livelihood Development in Andhra Pradesh, India, Final evaluation.


9. When developing policies, strengthen implementing stakeholders’ capacities in subjects such as information systems and administrative/organisational processes of institutions.

ReferencePacheco Jiménez, José Francisco, 2013, Improving social protection and promoting employment, Final evaluation


10. To promote effective governance of labour migration and related skills development invest in:

  • Establishment of solid knowledge base to support appropriate policy making
  • Institutional capacity building responding to the specific requirements of the target groups
  • Development of demonstration programmes.



11. Ensure participation of youth in the development of policies of concern to them such as youth employment policies. (This is also in line with UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child).



12. Ensure that polices on youth employment are sufficiently wide in scope so as to address the broad array of issues that impact youth employment.  Ensure that programming targets those who are most at risk of labour market exclusion.

Reference2010, Youth Employment Partnership in Serbia (YEPS), Final evaluation


SOURCE: RNSF Research - Volume 4.2