3.1.2 GOOD PRACTICES - Advocacy Methods on IE legal and policy framework development
3.1.2 GOOD PRACTICES - Advocacy Methods on IE legal and policy framework development
- Women in Action and Solidarity against Poverty in Kyrgyz Republic - Forum of Women NGO, Kyrgyzstan.
- Support to SME development in Mongolia - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Mongolia
- Handicraft and business through regional integration and fair trade market - Fondazione CEVSI, Tajikistan.
- SMART Myanmar, SMEs for Environmental Accountability, Responsibility and Transparency- SEQUA GGMBH, Myanmar.
- Towards social protection and inclusion of informal waste pickers and recyclers (IWPRs) in the South - Environnement Développement Action (ENDA).
- Government recognition of the invisible workforce of women waste pickers - Action Aid, India
- Youth Savings culture and entrepreneurial acumen - Ajprodho Jijukirwa, Rwanda
- Empowering women to organize themselves in elected committees and empowering them to practice democracy and to participate in decision-making and claim their economic and social rights - CEOSS, Egypt
- The empowerment cycle - Oikos, Tanzania
- South-south exchange - Oikos, Tanzania
- (Geo) monitoring of Village Community Banks (VICOBAs) in Maasai rural areas - Oikos, Tanzania
- Putting citizen voices at the centre of public service delivery through public participation - Oxfam GB, Kenya
- Using social media to advocate for rights of women domestic workers and women small scale traders - Oxfam GB, Kenya
- Influencing the Government of Kenya to take concrete steps for the ratification of International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention Number189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Kenya - Oxfam GB, Kenya
- Youth forums advocacy - Plan UK Tanzania.
Theatre and community radio: powerful tools of social change - OXFAM IT, Haiti