3.1.9 GOOD PRACTICES - Institution and capacity strengthening on IE
3.1.9 GOOD PRACTICES - Institution and capacity strengthening on IE
- Guiding and Integrating a Sustainable Economic Revitalization of Local Communities Dependent on the long-term Stewardship of Lake Hovsgol National Park - Global Nature Fund, Mongolia
- Programme d’Appui au Renforcement des capacités du Système d’État Civil du Niger (PARSEC) (Programme of Support to Strengthening the Capacity of Civil Registration System in Niger) - UNICEF, Niger
- Market Access through Cooperative Action in Ghana - Association Planet Finance, Ghana
- Government recognition of the invisible workforce of women waste pickers - Action Aid, India
- Inclusion and Social Protection Model Based on the Provision of Services - Aide au Développement Gembloux, Senegal
- Youth Savings culture and entrepreneurial acumen - Ajprodho Jijukirwa, Rwanda
- Value chain based cooperatives formation; Additional tool to spread formalization of informal workers activities - Ajprodho Jijukirwa, Rwanda
- Formation professionnelle, recyclage et redynamisation des Organisations Professionnelles d’Artisans (OPA) - AVSI, Cote d'Ivoire
- Investing in Maasai women for improving rural community wellbeing - Oikos, Tanzania
- The empowerment cycle - Oikos, Tanzania
- South-south exchange - Oikos, Tanzania
- (Geo) monitoring of Village Community Banks (VICOBAs) in Maasai rural areas - Oikos, Tanzania
- Putting citizen voices at the centre of public service delivery through public participation - Oxfam GB, Kenya
- Using social media to advocate for rights of women domestic workers and women small scale traders - Oxfam GB, Kenya
- Influencing the Government of Kenya to take concrete steps for the ratification of International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention Number189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers in Kenya - Oxfam GB, Kenya
- Financial education and creation of financial instruments accessible to informal economic operators - Oxfam IT, Haiti
- The certification of master craftspeople trainers (MAF) to obtain their active involvement and a process of quality apprenticeship of young craftspeople in a secure work environment - Save the Children, Cote d'Ivoire
- Creation of an Employment Promotion Working Group - World Vision, Somalia