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2.4.9. Strengthening IE with attention to the elderly

Indicators: a) GP and LL on strengthening livelihoods of the elderly in IE identified.

b) Challenges on the elderly in IE identified and possible means to overcome challenges identified and analysed.

Data Analysis Methods: Identification of GP and LL on strengthening IE with attention to the elderly; Analysis of GP and LL to determine adaptability and scalability; Identification of challenges identified during promotion and implementation and determine if/how these were overcome.


1) Engage elderly persons in projects supporting people who are dependent on the IE and recognise that they can draw upon years of experience and knowledge.

ReferenceTurrall, Susanne, 2013, A Study of Evidence in Mainstreaming Social Inclusion into Programmes Promoting Agricultural Productivity and Access to Markets among the Rural Poor, Meta-analysis of evaluations, DFID Rapid Desk-Based Review, DFID, London


2) Recognise the importance of older women’s knowledge, and the new status (i.e. possibilities) women can take on once they become widow.

ReferencePeterman, A., 2012, Widowhood and Asset Inheritance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Empirical Evidence from 15 Countries, Development policy Review


SOURCE: RNSF research - Volume 4.2