2.3.7. Labour market analysis to determine types of education/training provided
Indicators: The key ways in which labour market analysis and statistics have been used to determine types of education/training provided, with special attention to social inclusion in project countries identified. Includes attention to identifying if and how labour such statistics are used to inform vocational and skills training.
Data Analysis Methods: Thematic analysis to determine if and how labour market analysis and statistics are used to inform decision making on types of vocational and skills training to be provided. Identification of challenges in using education/vocational/skills statistics and possible ways in which these may influence IE, enhancing livelihoods.
1) Ensure a good alignment between training and economic opportunities. Develop a precise strategy to assure training participants have a coherent and successful transition from training to work and that a system is established to provide follow-up support with participants. Promote the establishment of employment opportunities of graduates of TVET in project design by planning linking with the private sector from an early stage.
- McLellan, Iain & Bamwesigye, Jackson, 2012, Mid-Term Evaluation of the Akazi Kanoze Youth Livelihoods Project (Rwanda), Midterm or interim evaluation, USAID, Washington DC.
- UNIDO, 2015, Reintegration for Liberian Returnees through Skills Training and Job Creation, Final Evaluation, UNIDO, Vienna.
2) Carry out analysis of the local labour market to determine the types of jobs that may be available to graduates of Technical vocational education and training (TVET). When identifying possible areas of TVET, ensure that the types of training provided will actually result in a decent income within the local labour and client market.
3) Involve the private sector in the needs assessment. This enables the identification of promising economic opportunities and the establishment of initial contacts with employers interested in recruiting youth graduates. Include a private sector specialist among the implementing partner staff as this can further facilitate business community links to an IE related project.
4) Enable sub-grantee partners (local NGOs, local authorities etc.) to participate in conducting these market analyses themselves. This can even encourage new contacts between partners and stakeholders that may potentially lead to economic opportunities.
- Evalpartners, 2015, Evaluations that make a difference, Meta-analysis of evaluations, Publication released by: EvalPartners; African Development Bank Group; IDB; EES, Covered countries: Sri Lanka, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, the Netherlands, Canada.
- Van de Velde, Martine, 2013, Skills Development and Employment Services for the Construction Sector in the Gaza Strip – Final Evaluation, Evaluation Summary, ILO, Geneva.
- ILO, 2014, Decent work results of ILO employment promotion interventions: lessons learned from evaluations, 2003-2013, Meta-analysis of evaluations, ILO, Geneva.
- Zeigers, Mei, 2016, Independent Final Evaluation of Ethiopians fighting against Child Exploitive Labor (E-Face), Final Report, USDOL, O’Brien & Associates International, Washington DC
- Gairdner, David; Al-Allaf, Riadh; Mandelik, Florence, 2013, Independent Evaluation, The Republic Of Iraq, Evaluation of Micro Enterprises for Reintegration of Internally Displaced Persons in Thi Qar Governorate, Final evaluation, UNIDO, Vienna.
- McLellan, Iain & Bamwesigye, Jackson, 2012, Mid-Term Evaluation of the Akazi Kanoze Youth Livelihoods Project (Rwanda), Midterm or interim evaluation, USAID, Washington DC.
- Wolterstorff, Paul, 2014, Final Evaluation of the Project Vocational Education and Training for Inclusive Growth of Tribal Communities in East Indian States of Jharkhand, West Bengal and Orissa, Final evaluation, Welthungerhilfe, Bonn.
- Holzaepfel, Erica A., 2015, Evaluating the Effectiveness of Livelihoods Programs for Refugees in Ethiopia, Final evaluation, Social Impact Inc., Washington, DC, projects: 1) International Rescue Committee (IRC) Livelihoods project; 2) Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) Livelihoods project; 3) Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) Livelihoods project in Ethiopia.
5) Promote analysis and understanding of economic growth dynamics and functioning of the labour market to inform technical assistance on youth employment. Acquire knowledge of the operations of national and local complex organisations, e.g. public administration in general, ministries and department in charge of labour and employment and Public Employment Services. Note that demand for development interventions related to TVET includes labour market assessment, providing support for establishing linkages between training and the labour market, and policy development.
- Gairdner, David; Al-Allaf, Riadh; Mandelik, Florence, 2013, Independent Evaluation, The Republic Of Iraq, Evaluation of Micro Enterprises for Reintegration of Internally Displaced Persons in Thi Qar Governorate, Final evaluation, UNIDO, Vienna.
- Kavanagh, Frank; Ognjanov, Galjina; Petrera, Francesco, 2010, Youth Employment Partnership in Serbia (YEPS), Final evaluation, Evaluation Summary, ILO, Geneva.
6) Analyse labour market needs in such a way that it allows for a full determination of a wide range of types of technical jobs that may be needed. This may include in addition to (the usual) furniture carpenters, welders and mechanics whether there is a need for construction workers, plumbers, electricians, heavy machinery operators, carpenters for the construction industry, information technology repair and operation specialists.
7) Conduct an analysis to determine why young people (or others) are unable to find work or start their own business. What prevents them from entering the labour market and making a living for themselves and their families? What constraints are they facing? This needs to be determined prior to deciding the type of support that may be provided.
8) Consider limiting the variety of vocational skills training provided in the context of support for refugees. Projects should particularly limit those that do not have a clear local market. Instead they should focus on small business creation and skill development that can actually support refugees with small, odd jobs, such as food preparation, and which do not require such a substantial investment in equipment and resources.
SOURCE: RNSF research - Volume 4.2.