CSARIDE : Climate Smart Agriculture Research and Innovation Support for Dairy Value Chains in Eritrea
Objective of the project
The objective is to promote inclusive, sustainable and climate-relevant transformation of the Eritrean dairy value chain to enhance food and nutrition security, reduce poverty, create job opportunities for young people, and promote resilience to climate change while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.
Implementing organization
The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority - TEAGASC (Ireland)
Eritrea/ Debub, Maekel and Anseba Regions
Funding and co-funding
Total budget: € 4,248,057
52 months (2020-2024)
Website : www.csaride.org
CSARIDE Eritrea video (sous-titres en fraçais) - duration 2:33
CSARIDE Eritrea video (undertitled in English) - duration 6:14
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