Malmon Mangrove Guinea
Malmon Guinea Bissau : Mangroves, mangrove rice and mangrove people - sustainably improving rice production, ecosystems and livelihood
Objective of the project
To contribute to poverty and hunger eradication and green growth in an inclusive and ecologically-sustainable way, through the transformation of agricultural and food systems in Guinea-Bissau— particularly those associated with mangrove swamp rice cultivation — and through the strengthening of researchers’ and farmers' skills in the development and dissemination of innovations. More broadly the project aim at developing a sustainable Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) towards resilience to political instability and economic crisis.
Implementing organization
ISA – University of Lisbon
Guinea Bissau
Funding and co-funding
Total budget: € 3,000,000
five (5) years: January 2020 - December 2024
Particpatory clip :
Participatory video :
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