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Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture – DeSIRA


Last Updated: 18 September 2024
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Innovation University Mauritius

UOM : Enhancing climate resilience in agriculture for improved food and nutrition security through research, innovation and training in the Republic of Mauritius

Objectives of the project

The overall objective of the action is to strengthen the capacity of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mauritius in research and training to promote sustainable agriculture for improved food security in response to climate change. The specific objectives are : 1) to use molecular methods for pest and disease characterisation; 2) to develop a package of climate-smart agriculture technologies for agriculture; 3) to develop the competences for innovative transformation of raw materials from the agricultural sectors into high-value products; 4) to increase the marketed supply of quality and wholesome milk from smallholder dairy farmers for the local market and as input for the local agroindustry; and 5) to empower the human capital in Rodrigues through agricultural education for improved resilience to climate change.

Implementing organization

University of Mauritius 


Republic of Mauritius

Funding and co-funding

Total budget: € 5,081,000


36 months (2020-2022)


Video Innovation University of Mauritius - 3:44


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