Sustenta Innova
SUSTENTA e INOVA - Sustainable and innovative agriculture and competitive advantages in the Brazilian Amazon – Cadeias de valor e agricultura sustentável e inovadora na Amazônia”
Objective : Develop and implement sustainable and innovative agricultural practices, as well as develop competitive tools in the Brazilian Amazon, with a focus on biodiversity conservation, deforestation reduction, landscape restoration, mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The project long-term effect will consist of encouraging the sustainable use of land, strengthening local producing agents and encouraging sustainable businesses in the Amazon.
Implementing organisation: SEBRAE PARÁ
State of Pará, located in micro-regions in the territory of Marajó and counties along the Trans-amazon Highway (Xingu territory) and Belém-Brasília territory (Rio Capim region).
Funding and co-funding : European Union: 4.150.000 euro; Sebrae Pará: 500.000 euro
Duration : 48 months (july 2021-june 2025)