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Towards a Gender Equal World: the EU Gender Action Plan III

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Strong single Moroccan and migrant mothers


The issue of single women remains a major taboo in Morocco. They are subject to a great deal of discrimination when it comes to accessing and exercising their rights, and the particular challenges faced by migrant mothers add another layer of difficulty. 

With this in mind, this EU-funded project, together with CONEMUND and 100% Mamans, seeks to improve the protection and exercise of the rights of single mothers (both Moroccan and migrant) in Morocco, along with perpetuating new models of masculinity in the city of Tangier. 

This work is an important part of the Team Europe Initiative “Gender Equality”. It is based on a needs analysis carried out by the project team, combined with a gender analysis done by the European Union Delegation in Morocco, which was updated in 2021. A further diagnostic study was done on the situation, and specific awareness-raising and promotional strategies were developed on the basis of these results. 

As a result of this analysis, and in close conjunction with partners, targeted groups were chosen including 400 single mothers (30% migrant, 70% Moroccan); 12 professionals working in the care system; 360 young people; 60 key community partners; 20 representatives of the public administration; and people taking part in the audiovisual exhibition "Rhizhommes: in the roots of change." The implementing partners work closely with these recipients, helping them with improved access to psychosocial assistance, legal support, personalised medical care for pregnant or breastfeeding women, and more.  

Social awareness and support frameworks are other essential components of success, with actions including training of care personnel, 18 awareness-raising campaigns in high schools on single mothers' rights and new models of masculinity, radio spots, and the creation of a special new committee to promote advocacy. 

This project is fully aligned with the approaches promoted by the EU, combining a gender-based approach with a human rights-based approach. On the one hand, it aligns with the EU's commitments to equality under GAP III and contributes in a holistic way to the themes of combating GBV, protecting sexual and reproductive rights, and promoting social rights. On the other hand, the project also has a human rights-based focus, via ensuring the empowerment of women as rights-holders and by sensitising public administrations to their role as duty-bearers. 

"My name is Salwa and I am a single mother. Previously I thought I had no rights and if they were violated I did not dare to claim them, as a single mother in whom no one is really interested. But over the course of the awareness sessions, I understood that I am a citizen with rights and duties. I also learned to claim my legal and social rights as well as those of my daughter. I also regularly share what I have learned with single mothers who have not had the opportunity to benefit from awareness sessions.”