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21. MEGAN KENNEDY-CHOUANE – Recycle-reuse-reduce


Megan Kennedy-Chouane, from the beating heart of evaluation, the OECD-DAC, shares her concern for the health of evaluators in these trying times, and makes an appeal to “leave no evaluator behind”, but also to make sure that evaluations matter more. This involves better listening, better use of existing information (recycle- reuse-reduce), and better uptake by policymakers. Now’s the time!

MEGAN KENNEDY-CHOUANE heads the Evaluation Unit in the OECD Development Co-operation Directorate, managing the DAC Network on Development Evaluation. She currently leads work on evaluating blended finance, and the COVID-19 Global Evaluation Coalition.

Previously, she worked at the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation in London, managing a $13 million portfolio of evidence, measurement and evaluation work on climate change mitigation in Latin America, Europe and China. Prior to this, Megan Kennedy-Chouane led the Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Development Initiative, a cross-sector collaboration to improve the lives of young children and their families in Monterey County, California. 

She holds a post-graduate diploma in Children, Youth and Development from the Institute of Social Studies in the Hague, and a Master's in Public Administration from the Monterey Institute of International Studies.


By EC DEVCO / Evaluation Support Service (ESS) · Megan Kennedy-Chouane - Recycle-reuse-reduce