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Policy Forum on Development (PFD)

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1st Global Meeting Nov. 2013

On 28th and 29th November 2013, over 100 stakeholders, including regional representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs) and of local authorities (LAs) from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, European Neighbourhood region and the EU, Member States and representatives from all European institutions –the European Commission (EC), the European External Action Service (EEAS), the European Parliament (EP), the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Committee of the Region (CoR), gathered in Brussels for the first Formal Meeting of the newly constituted EU Policy Forum on Development (PFD).

During the two day meeting, the Forum focused on exchanging ideas on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 as well as on key European development policies and initiatives, including the forthcoming Communication on the role of the private sector in development, the two new thematic programmes (TP) Global Public Goods and Challenges (GPGC) and CSO & LAs, the Partnership Instrument (PI), the current work around EU Road maps for engaging with CSOs at country level and the tool-kit to promote a Rights-Based Approach (RBA), encompassing all Human Rights, to development in EU operations.

The Forum also provided space for parallel regional and/or thematic group discussions (i.e. Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, & the Pacific, Neighbourhood and Development Education and Awareness Raising -DEAR). 

Please see here the list of participants

In the agenda below you will find links to single documents (PDF PPT) or group of documents (ZIP compressed file) corresponding to background information shared prior the Forum or to presentations held during the Forum.


Quick Access
Thursday Friday


Policy Forum on Development

Brussels 28-29 November 2013

(Centre Borschette (CCAB), Rue Froissart, 36 – 1040 Brussels)

Thursday 28 November 2013

Plenary meeting room 1B-A1

08:45 - 09:15

Registration of participants

09:30 - 10:15

Opening Session and Launch of PFD

  • Mr L. Riera Figueras, Director, Human and Society Development, DG DEVCO, Keynote speech (10 min)
  • Mr C. Goerens, Member of the European Parliament (8 min)
  • Mr S. Auer, Director, EEAS (8 min)
  • Mr J. Balbis, Associación Latinoamericana de Organizaciiones de Promocion, on behalf of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)(8 min)
  • Ms J. Moustache-Belle, Mayor of Victoria (Seychelles), Member of the Executive Board of UCLGA, on behalf of Local Authorities (LAs)(8 min)

10:15 - 10:30

Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:00

Session 1

Chaired by Mr L. Riera Figueras,

Director, Human and Society Development, DG DEVCO

Panel discussion on

The State of play of the MFF 2014-2020 External Relations

12:00 - 13:00

Session 2

Chaired by Mr L. Riera Figueras,

Director, Human and Society Development, DG DEVCO

Information on a

Tool-box for working towards a Rights Based Approach, encompassing all Human Rights

Followed by Q&A

13:00 - 14:30


14:30 - 16:00

Session 3

Chaired by Mr R. Ridolfi,

Director, Sustainable Growth and Development, DG DEVCO

Panel discussion on

The Thematic Programme Global Public Goods and Challenges PDF (697.64 KB) and the Partnership Instrument PDF (192.31 KB)

What role(s) for CSOs and LAs?

  • Mr A. Baglio, Head of Unit DEVCO/B2
  • Mr D. Guyade, Head of Division, EEAS (tbc)
  • Mr T. Tujan, CSO Platform for Development Effectiveness
  • Mr J-P. Elong Mbassi, Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis d'Afrique

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00

Session 4

Chaired by Mr R. Ridolfi,

Director, Sustainable Growth and Development, DG DEVCO

Background Documents ZIP compressed file (9.42 MB) - or download each individual item under background documents

Proposed Communication on the Private Sector in Development PDF (134.41 KB): consultation on key issues and policy options

    • Mr P.Loop & Mr. M. Altmann, Private Sector Development, Trade, Regional Integration, DG DEVCO
    • Mr M. Torns, International Organisation of Employers (IOE)
    • Mr P. Habbard, Trade Union Advisory Committee at the OECD (TUAC)
    • Mr M. Noel, Cooperatives Europe

Interventions from the floor

18:30 - 21:00

Welcome Cocktail

Bus will take all participants to Musée de la BD (Comic Strip Museum)

Guided tours of the Museum will start at 19h20 and 19h50

Bus will leave the Museum at 21h30 to Hotel Métropole


Policy Forum on Development


Brussels 28-29 November 2013

(Centre Borschette (CCAB),Rue Froissart, 36 – 1040 Brussels)

Friday 29 November 2013

Return to Quick Access Menu

09.00 - 10.30

Session 5

Chaired by Mr. L. Riera,

Focus on the Civil Society and Local Authority Thematic Programme

Words by Ms A. Bertulyte-Zikeviciené, on behalf of the Lithuanian EU Presidency, Chair of Working Party on Development Cooperation (CODEV)

General Introduction to the session, A. Baglio (10 min)

Update on the CSO-LA MIP 2014-2020 PDF (226.5 KB) and feedback from the Consultations held in June/July 2013 PDF (85.84 KB):

  • Objective 1: E. Pasquini (CSO), E. Asciutti (LAs), 30 min+ Q&A 15 min

    (update on major trends from CN received from Delegations)
  • Update on the EU Roadmap and calendar: Thomas Hansen, 15 min + Q&A 40 min

10:30 - 10:50

Coffee Break

10.50 - 12.00

Session 5 cont'd

12.00 - 13.00

Parallel Group Discussions about the Actor based support at regional and global levels (Obj 2)

Group 1: CSOs (In Plenary meeting room)

  • Introduction – 10'
  • Buzz Groups by Actor (trade unions, cooperatives, NGOs, private sector)- 45'
  • Restitution – 20'

Group 2: LAs (Room AB-3A, with interpretation)

13:00 - 15:00


14h50- leave Borschette for group meetings taking place in Rue Demot (Hostesses will guide participants)

15.00 - 17.30

Coffee will be served at 17:15 in Borschette

Session 6

Parallel Group Sessions

This session is dedicated to Parallel Regional group or thematic discussions

  1. Latin America: Exchange of information on the 2014-2020 Regional Programming for Latin America,

    Presentation by Mr J-P Joulia, Head of Unit, Regional Programme Latin America and Caribbean, DEVCO, Mr J. Hatwell, Head of Division, EEAS V, followed by Q&A

    Meeting Room AB-3A – with interpretation
  2. Africa: Exchange of information on the Pan African Programme PDF (377.68 KB),

    Ms F. Moreau Head of Unit, Africa-EU Partnership, Peace Facility, DEVCO, followed by Q&A

    Plenary room–with interpretation
  3. Asia

    DM28 Room 00/34, no interpretation
  4. European Neighbourhood

    DM28 Room 00/31, no interpretation
  5. DEAR in the new MIP for CSO/LA PDF (90.12 KB) +PROSPECT and Call for Proposal PDF (102.08 KB) (DEVCO/B6 and DEVCO/B2)

    DM 24 Room 06/004, no interpretation

DM: Rue Demot no 28 and 24

Participants should leave Rue Demot at 17:15 to return to Centre Borschette

17.30 - 18.00

Closing Session

  • Feedback from Group Discussions (Session 5)
  • Confirmation of and appointment of Task Team members
  • Agenda for 2014 & Next Steps

18.00 - 18.30

PFD Task Team meeting

Bus will leave the Hotel to the CCAB at 18h30