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2. Introduction and proposed Components




The purpose of this note is to present to participants of the Policy Forum on Development a first proposal for the Thematic Programme on CSO and LAs. During the Policy Forum on Development, discussions will be organised on specific aspects of this draft. Participants are kindly requested to carefully read this note and to bring their comments with them!

The new programme 'Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities is the successor to the thematic programme Non State Actors and Local Authorities in Development (2007-2013) currently being implemented. The new programme covers the period 2014-2020. Its objectives and expected results will be detailed in the so called Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP). This note presents a first proposal for the MIP for the period 2014-2017. During the implementation of the Programme, following a Mid-Term Review, a second MIP will be prepared for the period 2018-2020.

The legal basis of the new programme is in the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) Regulation. The proposal for the new DCI Regulation for 2014-2020 was adopted by the European Commission in December 2011 and is still being discussed by the European Council and Parliament. The DCI Regulation outlines the broad priorities and scope of the programme.

1. Background

The new CSO-LA Thematic Programme builds on the Agenda for Change, which identified two priority areas for support:

  • Human rights, democracy and other key elements of good governance;
  • Inclusive and sustainable growth.

The Programme reflects the recently adopted policy The Roots of Democracy and Sustainable Development: Europe's Engagement with Civil Society in External Relations (2012) and the related Council Conclusions. This policy integrates the conclusions of the Structured Dialogue. It outlines an enhanced and more strategic approach to the EU's engagement with civil society, with a focus on EU engagement with local CSOs in developing, neighbourhood and enlargement countries. The Communication put forward three priorities for EU support:

  1. To enhance efforts to promote a conducive environment for CSOs in partner countries.
  2. To promote a meaningful and structured participation of CSOs in domestic policies of partner countries, in the EU programming cycle and in international processes.
  3. To increase local CSOs' capacity to perform their roles as independent development actors more effectively.

At the operational level the policy calls for the elaboration of country level 'EU roadmaps for engagement with CSOs', which should ensure consistency and impact of EU actions with regard to dialogue and cooperation with civil society.

The new Thematic Programme will also reflect the forthcoming policy proposal on the EU's future engagement with LAs in Development (to be adopted in early 2013). A consultation with relevant stakeholders within the EU and in partner countries is on-going. The part of the MIP regarding support to LA may be adapted if necessary to take into account the result of this consultation process.

2. Challenges

The new Thematic Programme will seek to respond to a number of challenges:

  • Gaps in the enabling environment for CSOs and LAs
  • Challenges for CSOs and LAs to effectively contribute to governance and domestic accountability
  • Limited access by populations to social services
  • Ensuring economic growth is inclusive and sustainable
  • Gaps in coordination and dialogue
  • Internal governance and accountability of CSO and LAs
  • The European public's understanding of development cooperation
  • A crosscutting challenge in different domains are capacity constraints for CSO and LAs

Proposed components of the Thematic Programme

In line with the proposed DCI Regulation, the draft MIP 2014-2017 includes the three components outlined below.  

Capacity development and internal governance of CSOs and LAs are considered important crosscutting issues throughout the three components.

Guiding principles

The implementation of the Thematic Programme will be guided by the following principles:

•Considering CSOs' right of initiative.

•Considering CSOs' diversity and specificities.

•Sound understanding of the CSO and LA arena as the starting point.

•Strategic engagement with CSOs and link with "roadmaps" at country level.

•Independence of the Thematic Programme (no government agreement required).

•Support to transparent and accountable actors.

•Appropriate and flexible funding.

•Systematic knowledge capitalisation and dissemination.

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