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2nd Global Meeting Oct. 2014

Held on 1 and 2 October 2014 in Brussels, the Policy Forum on Development (PFD) gathered together more than 140 representatives from civil society organisations (CSOs) and local authorities (LAs), EU Member States, the European Parliament and the Commission. 

In his opening address the PFD Chair and Director-General of DG DEVCO Fernando Frutuoso de Melo gave an overview of the main priorities on the development cooperation agenda. He pointed out the timeliness of the meeting, coming as it did soon after the elections for a new European Parliament, with a new European Commission to be appointed shortly, with the 2015 European Year of Development just around the corner and, last but not least, with the debates on the post-2015 development agenda in full swing. 

Kicking off the official opening session, Mayor Christophe Rouillon said how pleased he was that the Committee of Regions was hosting the meeting. He underlined the importance of working at the local level and of solidarity between local partners in the South and in the EU. Fabio Cassesse spoke on behalf of the Italian EU Presidency, highlighting its priorities for the next 6 months. Mara Marinaki spoke on behalf of the EEAS and referred inter alia to the EU roadmap for engaging with civil society as an important tool for better cooperation with CSOs. Both speakers also set the meeting within the context of the post-2015 agenda and the work toward the sustainable development goals. Linda McAvan, newly elected as Chair of the European Parliament DEVE Committee, formally committed to the process and noted that four members of her committee would be nominated to work with the PFD in the next years. PFD Co-chairs Jacqueline Moustache Belle (on behalf of local authorities) and Jorge Balbis (on behalf of CSOs) updated the group on the progress made by the PFD thus far and on the regional meeting in Lima last June. 

Please see here the list of participants

In the agenda below you will find links to single documents (PDF PPT) or group of documents (ZIP compressed file) corresponding to background information shared prior the Forum or to presentations held during the Forum.


Quick Access
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Training and Exchange session


Venue: Committee of Regions

Room JDE70 (7/65)

Tuesday 30 September 2014


Welcoming words by Angelo Baglio (5min)

Introduction to the training & exchange session PDF (243 KB) (objectives and structure) by TA (5 min)


The PFD consultation toolbox PDF (242 KB)

  • Presentation of the toolbox PDF (795 KB): objectives, scope and initial contents, by TA (10 min)
  • Hearing from peers: experiences of consultation (30 min)

    - Ms Drew Haeva Siotame, PIANGO

    - Mr Manuel Mariño, Cooperativas de las Américas

    - Example of consultation from the CoR, Mr Andrea Forti, unit E2-­ Subsidiarity Network/ Europe2020 Monitoring Platform / Covenant of Mayors / European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)
  • Plenary discussion (30 min)

    - First reaction to presentations: Ms Sally Nicholson, Green 10
  • Wrap up and next steps (10 min)

Capacity4dev presentation PDF (1.65 MB)


Coffee Break


Presentation – A Rights-based approach for a sustainable and inclusive development PDF (127 KB)

Marina Marchetti and Luigia Di Gisi, DEVCO.B1, Governance, Democracy, Gender, Human Rights



The European Report on Development PDF (1.06 MB): Financing and post 2015 context: Presentation of the draft preliminary report

  • Introduction by DEVCO.A1, Policy and Coherence
  • Presentation by Dirk Willem te Velde, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), and James Mackie, European Centre for Development Policy Management



Social event -­ Buffet dinner at the CoR -­ Lounge 5

Policy Forum on Development


Venue: Committee of Regions

Room JDE70 (7/65)

Wednesday 01 October 2014

Return to Quick Access Menu




1. Inaugural Session

Welcome words by Mr Christophe Rouillon,

Member of the Committee of the Regions and Mayor of Coulaines (France) (10’)

Opening Speech by Mr Fernando Frutuoso de Melo, Director General, DG DEVCO, PFD Chair (15’)

  • Honourable Linda McAvan MEP, Chair of the Committee on Development, European Parliament (10’)
  • Mr Fabio Cassese, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Director General, Directorate General for Development and Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italian EU Presidency (10’)
  • Ms Mara Marinaki, Managing Director for Global and Multilateral Issues, European External Action Service, tbc (10’)
  • Ms Jacqueline Moustache Belle, Mayor of Victoria, Seychelles, PFD LA Co-Chair (15’)
  • Mr Jorge Balbis, Executive Secretary, ALOP, PFD CSO Co-Chair (15’)


Coffee Break


2. The Global Scene ZIP compressed file (4.66 MB) - or download each individual item below

Session Moderated by Jorge Balbis, PFD co-chair

2.1. The post-2015 agenda, including means of implementation: opportunities and challenges

Panel Discussion with the participation of Commissioner Andris Piebalgs as key note speaker (15')


  • Ms Tanya Cox, Co-Chair, Beyond 2015 (7-10')
  • Mr Matt Simonds, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) (7-10')
  • Mr Bernhard Bramlage, Governor of the District of Leer (Germany), Representative of Platforma (7-10')
  • Mr Abbdelkebir Berkia, President of the Regional Council of Rabat-Salé (7'-10')

Followed by Q&A


Lunch (ATRIUM 5)


Session Moderated by Lluis Riera, Director, DG DEVCO B

2.2. Global Partnership for Development Effectiveness - Panel

Update on debates and implementation of post-Busan commitments, by different actors:

Followed by Q&A


Session Moderated by Lluis Riera, Director, DG DEVCO B

2.3. Localising the post-2015 Development Agenda PDF (207.51 KB) – Update of the process to date, co-led by UNDP, UN-Habitat and the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF)

Followed by Q&A


Coffee Break


Session Moderated by Josep Roig, Secretary General of UCLG

2.4. Urbanisation and the Global Development Agenda PDF (643.76 KB), and the background note PDF (289.23 KB)

Introduction of the topic by David Statterthwaite, Senior Fellow, Human Settlements, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 10'


  • Mr André Kimbuta, Governor of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, on behalf of LAs of Partner countries,
  • Mr Hans Janssen, Mayor of Oisterwijk, The Netherlands, Rapporteur for the CoR and Spokesperson of PLATFORMA, on behalf of LAs from the EU,
  • Ms Susana Eróstegui, Executive Director, UNITAS, on behalf of CSOs
  • Ms Emilie Maehara, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate General for Globalisation, Development and Partnerships, EU Member State
  • Mr Paolo Ciccarelli, Head of Unit, Water, Energy, Infrastructure, DG DEVCO/C5

Followed by Q&A


Welcome cocktail

Thursday 02 October 2014

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3. Enabling Environment (EE) for CSOs and LAs ZIP compressed file (7.34 MB) - or download each individual item below

Session Moderated by Izabella Toth (CSO) and Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi (LAs)

Introductory words and setting the scene: the Structured Dialogue recommendations to promote an EE for CSOs and LAs

Background note PDF (289.7 KB)

Round table: What progress has been made to date? Moderated by Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi

Assessing Enabling Environment for cities and Local Government in Africa PDF (1.52 MB)

Looking back into the SD recommendations PDF (986.62 KB)


Coffee Break


Priorities for action and PFD role in promoting the enabling environment : Regional buzz groups moderated by regional task team members

Groups and room numbers:

  • Africa - JDE 53
  • Asia and the Pacific - 2253
  • Europe - JDE 3252
  • Global - plenary room JDE 51
  • Latin America - 3253
  • Neighbourhood Region - plenary room JDE51


Feedback from groups and plenary discussion: What messages for the PFD members to promote an Enabling Environment?

Moderated by Izabella Toth


Wrap up and closure


Lunch (ATRIUM 5)

Optional side event from 13:00 to 13:45: Rights of Migrants in Action (FR) (ES), organised by the Red Cross (Room JDE 53)


4. The EU Agenda ZIP compressed file (1.66 MB) - or download each individual item below

Session Moderated by Klaus Rudischhauser, Deputy Director General, DG DEVCO

4.1 The Thematic Programme Global Public Goods and Challenges (GPGC) PDF (372.94 KB)

Presentations by:

  • Roberto Ridolfi, Director, Sustainable Growth and Development, European Commission, DG DEVCO/C
  • Véronique Lorenzo, Head of Unit, Education, Health, Research, Culture, DG DEVCO/B 4
  • Camilla Hagstrom, Head of Sector, Employment, Social Inclusion, Migration Unit, DG DEVCO/B3

Followed by Q&A


4.2 State of play of the programming, including EU Joint Programming PDF (1.23 MB), Felix Fernandez-Shaw, Head of Division, European External Action Service (EEAS)(15')

4.3 implementation of new financial instruments PDF (78.82 KB), including results framework, Jan Ten Bloemendal, Head of Unit, Quality of Delivery Systems (15')

Followed by Q&A


Coffee Break


(Session 4 ctn.) Session Moderated by Angelo Baglio, DEVCO B2

4.4 CSO & LA Annual Action Plan for 2014 & beyond PDF (436.12 KB)

Followed by Q&A


Closing Session by DEVCO B2