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6th Global Meeting March 2018


From 20 - 22 March the 6th Global Meeting of the Policy Forum on Development (PFD) took place in Brussels, Belgium. More than 80 representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs), local authorities (LAs), the private sector, EU Member States and EU institutions gathered to discuss the most challenging EU development policies at present. Topics featured included enabling environment/shrinking spaces of CSOs and LAs; policy coherence for development; the role of cities and decentralised cooperation; a local approach to migration; new financial instruments; domestic resource mobilisation and post-2020 partnerships (Post-Cotonou Agreement, the upcoming multi-annual financial framework).

List of participants.

Agenda EN, FR, ES


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Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


Regional meeting header

Global Policy Forum on Development meeting


Management Centre Europe  Rue de l’Aqueduc 118, 1050 Brussels

20 – 22 March 2018





Tuesday, 20 March




Task Team Meeting

TT members only 9:00-12:00

Regional caucuses

PFD Members meet by region 10:00-12:00

Private Sector Meeting

Invitation only 9:00-12:00




1. OpeningReturn to Quick Access Menu

Welcome speeches

  • Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Maria Theresa Lauron, Chair CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness and PFD

Civil Society Organisations Co-Chair

  • Donatus Njong Fonyuy, Mayor of Kumbo, Cameroon and PFD Local Authorities Co- Chair


2. Enabling Environment: How to confront new challenges: employing the multi- stakeholder approach to enhance the enabling environment for inclusive development cooperation

Objective: To address the conditions that enable partners to maximise their contribution to development in the current global political climate, taking into account recent PFD regional meetings.



Moderator: Maria Theresa Lauron, Chair CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness and PFD CSO Co-Chair





  • Rosário Bento Pais, Head of Unit, Civil Society, Foundations, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Govind Kelkar, Director, Landesa Rural Development Institute and Senior Advisor, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
  • Nazrene Mannie, Board Member, Business Unity South Africa


Coffee break


Key note speech by Louise Arbour, UN Special Representative of the Secretary General on International Migration with an introduction by the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission


Cocktail and walking dinner (MCE)


Wednesday, 21 MarchReturn to Quick Access Menu


3. Policy coherence for development in the 2030 Agenda: the case for aid for trade

Objective: Examine how the implementation of the EU aid for trade strategy will help generate sustainable development impacts, along with the EU trade (Trade For All) strategy. The session will look at the importance of policy coherence for development to ensure development effectiveness of the development-trade nexus.

Moderator: Maruxa Cardama, Global sustainability agendas advisor Speakers:

  • Axel Pougin de La Maisonneuve, Deputy Head of Unit, Private Sector and Trade,

Directorate   General   for   International   Cooperation   and   Development,   European Commission

  • Marita  Gonzalez,  Cooperation  Expert,  Confederación  General  de  Trabajadores  de Argentina
  • Isabelle Brachet, EU Advocacy Advisor, ActionAid
  • Greg Munro, Secretary General, Commonwealth Local Government Forum
  • Fatoumata Niang Niox, Director, Conseil National du Patronat du Sénégal


Coffee break


4. Innovative Development Assistance: How can blending Official Development Assistance (ODA) with private and public loans contribute to the SDGs


Objective: To look at tools such as blending and the European External Investment Plan (EIP) in

the context of increasing expectations from private finance in development cooperation and make recommendations regarding implementation to ensure development effectiveness.


Moderator: Paolo Ciccarelli, Head of Unit, Cities, Local Authorities, Digitalisation, Infrastructures, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission



  • Patrick Develtere, Principal Adviser for European Social Policy, European Political Strategy Centre
  • Filiberto Ceriani Sebregondi, Head of Division, Development Cooperation Coordination, European External Action Service
  • Francesca Raimondi, External Investment Plan Secretariat, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Peter Knip, Director, International Cooperation Agency of the Association of The Netherlands Municipalities (VNG International)
  • Ibrahima Coulibaly, Vice-President of Réseau des organisations paysannes et de producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest and President of CNOP, Mali




5. Domestic Resource Mobilisation

Objective: To identify the key issues related to the mobilization of domestic resources based on successful experiences of different actors, including local authorities (LAs), civil society organisations (CSOs) and private sector.


Moderator: Maruxa Cardama, Global sustainability agendas advisor Speakers:

  • Fritz Ntoné Ntoné, Government Delegate to the Douala City Council, Cameroon
  • Charlie Martial Ngounou, President, Afroleadership
  • Stefan Agne, Head of Sector, Domestic Revenue Mobilisation, Budget Support, Public Finance Management, Domestic Revenue Mobilisation, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Justine Palermo, Investment Officer, Inpulse


6. Working groups



Objective: To allow smaller groups to debate on the three topics of the day, namely aid for



trade, blending/European Investment Plan and Domestic Resource Mobilisation, their regional challenges  and recommendations.


7. Feedback from groups of the day


Objective: To bring the highlights of the smaller group discussions back to plenary for debate.


Thursday, 22 MarchReturn to Quick Access Menu


8. Migration: A local approach

Objective: To analyse the irregular migration and forced displacement phenomenon in the axis of security, development and resilience. The session will focus on the root causes of migration at the local level and discuss how European policies can foster place-based solutions, in particular, urban governance, territorial approach to local development and support to local actors.

Moderator: Shada Islam, Friends of Europe



  • Stefano Signore, Head of Unit, Migration, Employment, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Ramon Bultron, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness
  • Mohamed Saadieh, Co-President, United Cities and Local Governments Middle East and West Asia and President, Union of Dannieh Municipalities, Lebanon
  • Deniz Şenol Sert, Migration Consultant, World Academy for Local Governments and Democracy


Coffee break


9. The EU partnership approach: the post 2020 MFF, Post-Cotonou and its potential impact on other regional agreements

Objective: Building on the EU-ACP Cotonou Partnership Agreement, exchange on the post- 2020 EU development cooperation trends at regional levels and ways on how to increase the multi-stakeholder involvement dimension.

Moderator: Shada Islam, Friends of Europe Speakers:



  • Kristin  de  Peyron,  Head  of  Division,  Pan-African  Affairs,  European  External  Action Service
  • Rigo Belpair, Team Leader, Cotonou Task Force, Directorate General for International

Cooperation and Development, European Commission

  • Fatimetou Abdel Malick, Mayor of Tevrag-Zeina, Nouakchott, Mauritania and Vice- President, network of women elected officials in Africa (REFLEC)
  • Katarzyna Lemanska, Policy Officer, Global Health Advocates




10. Information Session on the future Multi-annual Financial Framework


Objective: To provide an update on the future Multi-annual Financial Framework and an opportunity to exchange with PFD members.


  • Vincent Grimaud, Head of Unit, Coordination and Programming of External Financing Instruments, Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Marie-Laure De Bergh, Deputy Head of Division, Development Cooperation

Coordination, European External Action Service



Closing speeches and discussion around the most salient points of the forum



  • Representative from the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development, European Commission
  • Representative from the CSOs
  • Representative from the LAs