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3rd Global Meeting March 2015

The third meeting of the global Policy Forum on Development (PFD) was held on 17 and 18 March 2015, in Brussels. It mobilized more than 120 representatives from civil society organisations (CSOs) and associations of local authorities (LAs) from different regions of the world, EU Member States, the European Parliament, the European Committee of the Region (CoR), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission.

The two major topics on the agenda were the latest Communication from the Commission on “Global Partnership for poverty eradication and sustainable development after 2015,”1 for which Commissioner Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, provided the key note address, and the issue of an "Enabling Environment for CSOs and LAs." Both topics provided for two days of lively and intensive discussions and allowed all participants to exchange views and gain a better understanding of the issues at stake.

In the agenda below you will find links to single documents (PDF PPT) or group of documents (ZIP compressed file) corresponding to background information shared prior the Forum or to presentations held during the Forum.

Please see here the list of participants.


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Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Policy Forum on Development: Preparatory meeting

Management Centre Europe (MCE)

Rue de l'Aqueduc 118, 1050 Brussels

Monday 16 March 2015




Welcome and Chair, Paul Renier, DEVCO B2


Ways to increase support to PFD Members in the coming years: strengthening the PFD network through consultation and research


Coffee Break


Financing for Development (FfD): getting up to speed on key issues and debates

  • Presentation on FfD issues, Jean Saldhana, co-­‐chair of the European Taskforce for FFD, CONCORD
  • LA perspectives, Edgardo Bilsky, UCLG
  • Areas of FfD focus during the PFD
  • Q&A


Sector/regional meetings

Time for meetings in groups to share information and caucus prior to the PFD



Buffet at MCE -­‐ meetings can continue over lunch


Bus to take PFD members to Charlemagne building to attend the private sector structured dialogue (follow-­‐up to 18 October meeting)

Policy Forum on Development

Brussels, 17-18 March 2015

Management Centre Europe (MCE)

Rue de l'Aqueduc 118, 1050 Brussels

Tuesday 17 March 2015

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Registration (Bus will pick up participants from Thon Hotel at 8h00)


Morning Session Chaired by Ms Lotte Knudsen,

Director, Human Development and Migration, DG DEVCO

1. Inaugural Session

Welcome by Mr Fernando Frutuoso De Melo,

Director General, DG DEVCO, Chair of the PFD

Words from:

  • Honourable Linda McAvan MEP, Chair of the European Parliament Development Committee
  • Ms Liga Andersone, Chair CODEV, Latvian EU Presidency
  • Mr Stephan Auer, Director, Multilateral Relations and Global Issues, EEAS
  • Ms Jacqueline Moustache Belle, Mayor of Victoria, Seychelles, UCLG, PFD LA Co-Chair
  • Mr Jorge Balbis, Executive Secretary, ALOP, PFD CSO Co-Chair


Coffee Break


2. The Global scene: Financing for Development in the framework of the Post- 2015 Agenda

2.1 "A Global Partnership for poverty eradication and sustainable development after 2015" ZIP compressed file (3.86 MB) - or download each individual item under background documents

Key note speech by Commissioner Mimica

Followed by panel discussion moderated by Bruce Byiers, European Centre for Policy Development Management (ECDPM):

  • Honourable Pedro Silva Pereira, MEP, Member of the Committee on Development, Rapporteur on financing for development
  • Ms Tove Ryding, Policy and Advocacy Manager, Tax Justice, EURODAD
  • Mr Hans Janssen, Mayor of Oisterwijk (NL), Rapporteur for the European Committee of the Regions

Moderator to ask panellists to react to the Communication and respond to specific questions, thereafter opening the floor to the audience.


Wrap-up by moderator

Concluding words by Chair




2. The Global scene: Financing for Development in the framework of the Post- 2015 Agenda (cnt.)

Chaired by Mr Jorge Balbis, PFD CSO Co-Chair

2.2 The actor's views on Means of Implementation ZIP compressed file (13.08 MB) (MoI) (40') - or download each individual item under background documents

  • Mr Claude Akpokavie, Senior Specialist in Workers’ Activities, Actrav/ILO
  • Ms Sally Nicholson, on behalf of Concord Beyond 2015 Task Force and Concord Financing for Development (FFD) task force
  • Ms Aura Saldana, Mayor of Sabana de la Mar (Dominican Republic)
  • Mr Frederick Muia, International Organisation of Employers (including feedback from workshop with Private Sector on 16 March)

Introduction to working group discussions by Technical Assistant


Coffee break and moving to the break out rooms


2.3 Working group discussions (3 Groups, outlines to be shared)

  1. Infrastructure of public goods and social services (including the local level)
  2. Innovative sources of financing
  3. Partnerships for development


Rapporteurs will have 30' to wrap up and prepare reporting


Reporting back in Plenary, Facilitated by Technical Assistants


Welcome cocktail & free dinner (Bus to Hotel at 19h30)

Wednesday 18 March 2015

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Bus will pick up participants from Thon Hotel at 8h15


3. Enabling Environment ZIP compressed file (992.6 KB) - or download each individual item under background documents

Chaired by Ms Izabella Toth (CONCORD)

and Mr Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi (UCLG Africa)

3.1 Concept and definition of Enabling Environment (EE) for CSOs and LAs PPT (3.63 MB)

Moderator: Mr Patrick Leusch, Deutsche Welle, GFMD

  • Mr Robert Mabala, Coordinator, REPONGAC
  • Mr Boubacar Bah, Mayor of Bamako District V, President of the Association of Municipalities of Mali (AMM)


Coffee Break


3.2 Working Groups (outline to be shared)


A. Local Authorities

Exchange of experiences and recommendations to improve approach and indicators for EE through case studies

  • Country level: examples from Africa, Mr Jean-Pierre Elong Mbassi, UCLG Africa
  • Regional level: experiences with ASEAN, Ms Bernadia Tjandradewi, UCLG ASPAC & Mr Guillermo Tapia, FLACMA
  • Global level: work of the Global Task Force for Local and Regional authorities (GTF) on the SDGs, Mr Edgardo Bilsky, UCLG

B. CSOs (In Plenary)

Part 1: Partner country Focus How is EU defining and supporting EE in partner countries

Followed by Buzz Groups

Part 2: EU Focus – EU enabling framework

How is EU doing in supporting meaningful and structured participation of CSOs in EU processes at country level? The role of Delegations

  • Introduction by Chair
  • CONCORD report on Mutual engagement between EU delegations and CSOs, Mr Stijn De Lameilleure
  • EU response, DEVCO B2


Launch of the Roadmap Survey, Ms Bea Sanz, Team Leader, Roadmap Facility



Optional session 13:00-13:45
: Presentation of PROSPECT (online application for grant proposals), Myrto Stasinopoulou (DEVCO B6)


3.2 Working Groups (cnt.)

Reporting back in Plenary by each group, facilitated by Technical Assistants


Discussion around the common question: How can LAs and CSOs work together to enhance an enabling environment

Closing by Chairs


Coffee Break


4. CSO-LA Thematic programme

Chaired by Ms Rosario Bento Pais, Head of Unit, Civil Society and Local Authorities, DG DEVCO

4.1 Feedback on the MAAP 2015-17 working document PPT (400.15 KB) and discussion on the possible implementation modalities, DEVCO B2



4.2 Update on PFD activities

  • Report of the Africa Multi-Stakeholder meeting, Nairobi, December 2014, Ms Sifa Chiyoge, Cooperatives Africa,

    Followed by Q&A
  • Upcoming events and activities, Ms Salima Chitalia


Closing session

  • Floor open for PFD members
  • Words from Co-Chairs
  • Words from DEVCO B2