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Policy Forum on Development (PFD)

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Analysis of PFD Members' Responses to COVID-19


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Learn more about the Policy Forum on Development

The Policy Forum on Development (PFD) is the European Commission’s multi-stakeholder space for dialogue on EU development policy. It includes in its membership 75 civil society organisations (CSOs) and associations of local authorities (ALAs) who in turn represent millions of development actors, including marginalised communities. The PFD is carrying out research to understand how development cooperation, specifically its work in support to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is affected by COVID-19. Without a better understanding of what is happening to development partners in the field, adequate policy, social and economic support cannot be properly put in place. 



Infographic explaining the composition and functioning of the Policy Forum on Development

 Additional information on the Policy Forum on Development:

- Who is Who


What are the PFD members doing about COVID-19?

PFD members have been very active since the start of the health crisis. You can read a summary of the analysis of the PFD members' reactions and work around COVID-19 and visit a dedicated page collecting additional information on individual members' responses to COVID-19 (official statements and analysis by member organisations).