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1st Latin America and Caribbean Regional Meeting June 2014


Established in Brussels in November 2013, the Policy Forum on Development (PFD) is a global forum encouraging dialogue between civil society organizations (CSOs) and local authorities (LAs) on the European development policies. The PFD hold its first regional meeting in Lima on 25th and 26th June.

The meeting, organised with the support of the European Commission (EC), brought together 120 participants, including representatives of CSOs NGOs, cooperatives, trade unions, feminist / women organisations, employers and local and regional authorities (LAs) of all Latin America, which coincided with officials from the European Commission (EC), headquarters and EU delegations in the region. The meeting also included Working Groups (Task Team) composed of participant from all regions (Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean region and neighbourhood, besides Europe and globally).

The purpose of the meeting is to enable different Latin American actors, gathered in one place, to discuss issues of common interest, with particular attention to European development policies, which have an impact on the future development of the countries of the region.

In line with this objective, the agenda of the meeting included issues related to both global and regional dimension, specifically future European intervention in Latin America, including regional cooperation programmes of the EU with Latin America and the 2014 multi-year thematic programme 2020 of the EU cooperation with CSOs and LAs.

Attendees were invited to participate in all meetings, promoting debate and make their contributions in different sessions.

Please see here the list of participants. 

In the agenda below you will find links to single documents (PDF PPT) or group of documents (ZIP compressed file) corresponding to background information shared prior the Forum or to presentations held during the Forum.

See here the list of participants. 


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Policy Forum on Development

Meeting of the Latin America and Caribbean region

Lima, 25-26 June 2014

Hotel Delfines (San Isidro)

Sala MEDITERRANEAO CB (Hall Mezanine)

Wednesday 25 June 2014

08.00 - 08.45


09.00 - 10.00

Welcome & Opening Session

  • Ms Irène Horejs, Ambassador, Head of EU Delegation to Peru
  • Mr Hernán Núñez, Municipal Manager, Municipality of Lima
  • Mr Jorge Balbis, on behalf of CSOs
  • Mr Guillermo Tapia, on behalf of LAs

Introduction by Angelo Baglio, European Commission, Head of Unit Civil Society and Local Authorities (DG DEVCO)

10.15 - 11.15

Session 1 – The Global Scene ZIP compressed file (9.04 MB) | (ES) | - or download each individual item under background documents

A. The Post-2015 Agenda

1. The EU as a global player – contribution from the EC, Angelo Baglio - "A Decent Life for All: from vision to collective action" PDF (170 KB)

  • Reaction from global and regional CSOs, Miguel Santibáñez, La MESA – Beyond 2015
  • Reaction from local, regional and global LAs, COMURES and FLACMA
  • Comments from UN, Mr José Dallo, Policy Advisor, UNDP Team on Post-2015


11.15 - 11.30

Coffee Break

10.15 - 11.15

2. Consultation on "Localising the Post-2015 Agenda” PDF (338 KB), co-led by UNDP, UN-Habitat and the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments (GTF) Session to be animated by Ms Lurdes Gomez, Policy Officer, UNDP Office in New York, an Mr Edgardo Bilsky, Coordinator of the GTF

13.00 - 14.00


14.00 - 14.30

The EU at global level

1. The State of EU Programming (2014-2020) PDF (564 KB), Angelo Baglio, European Commission (DG DEVCO)(10')

Session to give a general overview of the programmes and show how CSOs and LAs have been included in the process and how their role is foreseen in the new financial regulation defining the external relations instruments (DCI- thematic and geographic, ENI and EDF)

Followed by Q&A

14.30 - 15.30

2. The New Communication on Private Sector in Development PDF (470 KB), presentation, EC (15') Philippe Loop, EC, Private sector development, trade and regional integration (DG DEVCO) – video conference (15min)

  • Reaction from CSO (20')

    - Marita González, on behalf of TUCA

    - Manuel Mariño, on behalf of International Cooperative Alliance AMERICAS
  • Reaction from LA (7'): Rolando Rodrígues, Mayor of Cartago (Costa Rica), UNGL

Followed by Q&A (15min)

15.30 - 16.00

3. The EU Blending Mechanism PDF (704 KB), presentation, Nuria Rodriguez Aller, European Commission, Financial Instruments (DG DEVCO)(15')

Followed by Q&A

16.00 - 16.15

Coffee Break

16.15 - 17.15

Session 2 – Regional Focus ZIP compressed file (1011.52 KB) - or download each individual item under background documents

Followed by Q&A

17.15 - 18.30




Thursday 26 June 2014

Return to Quick Access Menu

09.00 - 10.30

Session 3 - The CSO and LA Thematic Programme, DEVCO B2 ZIP compressed file (851.42 KB) | (ES) | - or download each individual item under background documents

This session aims to provide the participants with: an overview of the most important and recent EC policies on civil society and local authorities; the situation of country roadmaps to foster greater commitment of EU CSOs and the situation of CSOs and local authorities thematic programme.

  1. The Policies – Setting the scene PDF (512 KB), Elena Asciutti, European Commission, Civil Society and Local Authorities (DG DEVCO)(15')

    - Communication on Local Authorities in Development

    - Communication on CSOs in Development
  2. The CSO Roadmap PDF (319 KB): presentation and example of a national process PDF (81 KB) (20min)

    - Beatriz Sanz Corella, EC Technical Assistant

    - Malin LJUNGGREN BACHERER, Thematic Programmes, EU Delegation, Peru

    - Josefina Huamán, Asociación Nacional de Centros (ANC), Peru
  3. The CSO-LA Multi-Indicative Programme (2014-2020) PDF (426 KB), Angelo Baglio, European Commission, Civil Society and Local Authorities, (DG DEVCO)(10')

Each session followed by Q&A

10.30 - 10.50

Coffee Break

10.50 - 11.00

Short introduction to the Group discuss session PDF (363 KB) (World Café), Beatriz Sanz

11.00 - 13.30

Group Discussions – Ways and Opportunities to effectively involve CSOs and LAs in programme implementation

  • Topic 1: Policy dialogue for better governance
  • Topic 2: Holding governments to account and roles for CSOs
  • Topic 3: How to contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth?

13.30 - 15.00


15.00 - 15.45

Reporting back from the groups

16.00 - 17.15

Coffee will be served outside

Group discussion by sectors, Angelo Baglio, CE (DG DEVCO)

Topic 4: Aid Delivery mechanisms (45' – including drafting points for reporting) & Sectors' global recommendations to the PFD

17.15 - 18.00

Reporting back by sector


Final conclusions and & Closing session

  • Lucy Garrido, Articulación feminista Marcosur, on behalf of CSOs
  • Gustavo Petro, Alcalde de Bogotá, RedCiSur, on behalf of LAs
  • Jorge Balbis
  • Guillermo Tapia
  • Angelo Baglio, European Commission, DG DEVCO

