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PFD Research

After the global agreements in 2015, one of the most recurrent questions has been how to turn those into practice. 2016 was meant to be the year to launch national debates and set the grounds for the implementation of global commitments, in particular the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

For that reason, the PFD has dedicated part of its research activities to launch a series of country studies that look at that process and provide a better insight into the implementation of Agenda 2030 at country level, including a particular focus on the role of CSOs and LAs.

Work began at the end of 2015 with the first selected country: the Netherlands. After that, three countries joined successively: Indonesia, Peru and Ghana. 

The country studies have been elaborated by local researchers following a common structure for all countries and you will find below the related reports available so far:

The Netherlands:

Complete report: EN, FR, ES

Executive summary: EN, FR, ES


Complete report: EN, FR, ES

Executive summary: EN, FR, ES


Complete report: EN, FR, ES

Executive summary: EN, FR, ES


Complete report: EN, FR, ES

Executive summary: EN, FR, ES


Finally, please see below a summary of the main findings made from the initial studies in Ghana, Indonesia, the Netherlands and Peru. Download the complete report here: EN, FR, ES