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Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

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Bangladesh: Strengthening Capacities of icddr,b & National Health Authorities

Strengthening capacities of icddr,b and national health authorities for better health policies and strategies for improved outcomes

Project developed collaboratively between all key applicants, affiliates and other key stakeholders including senior officials from national health policy circles in Bangladesh. Drawing on expertise from Bangladesh, India and the United Kingdom, this is a a five-year programme of work that will leave a legacy of strong public health institutions that are capable of promoting evidence-informed policy-making, and a cultural shift in policy cycles to embed the use of evidence at key decision-points.


2015 - 2020




Beneficiary: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (iccdr,b) – Bangladesh

Implemented by: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research (iccdr,b) – Bangladesh


  • University College London - United Kingdom
  • Futures Group International India Pvt. Ltd – India

Affiliate entities to iccdr,b:

  • Directorate General Health Services – Bangladesh
  • Institute Of Epidemiology, Disease Control & Research – Bangladesh
  • Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University – Bangladesh


The main objective of the project is to support evidence-informed public health policy-making in Bangladesh, leading to progress towards universal health coverage (UHC) and improved health equity, particularly for urban poor and those suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The project proposes to achieve this through efforts to strengthen public health institutions concerned with both the “supply” and the “demand” for high quality evidence in policy cycles in Bangladesh. Direct target groups for such activities comprises key public health institutions within Bangladesh. A key outcome from better use of evidence is expected to be the formulation, adoption and implementation of Government policies that result in effective and equitable distribution of health service and health intervention benefits for the ultimate beneficiaries – the people of Bangladesh.


Individual capacity is strengthened

  • Human resource capacity to implement the project is recruited and developed;
  • Training programmes are developed on health systems research, evidence based policy making and DHIS 2 is designed for public use;

Organisational capacity is strengthened

  • Icddr,b is strengthened to develop Centres of technical and methodological excellence;
  • Multi-media engagement activities are strengthened to promote understanding of evidence and its relevance and for policy decision making and programme implementation;
  • A programme of public engagement with science and evidence is established;

Institutional capacity is strengthened

  • A Think Tank for health that promotes high level analysis and dialogue for policy influence is developed;
  • A mutual engagement programme is established to increase understanding between researchers and policy-makers regarding the relevance of high quality evidence for policy;
  • South-South collaboration is promoted around issues of shared concern.

More @

UCL: Supporting Public Health Institutes (Bangladesh): Investing in People

RPCC: Research Policy Communication Cell

Project: Strengthening Capacities of National Health Authorities and icddr,b for better Health Policies and Strategies for improved Outcomes